IPC Connections
NewsMax, Thursday, 29 Jan 2015 A White House's characterization Wednesday of the Taliban as an "armed insurgency" rather radical Islamic terrorists is another example of the Obama administration's failure to grasp the gravity of the situation, retired Army Col. Derek Harvey said Thursday on Newsmax TV's "America's Forum." "It is…
The White House has manifested a strange unwillingness to confront radical Islam, especially to deal strongly with Iran and its efforts to build nuclear weapons, ostensibly to use against Israel and other nations including the USA. Many believe this is even more dangerous than the rise of the Islamic State…
An Invitation to the Last Prayer Initiative for North Korea Dear Fellow Servants of God, In September 2011, leaders, prayer warriors and intercessors serving the Lord all across nations and different sectors of society gathered in Seoul, Korea under a concerted purpose called "PINK" - Prayer Initiative for North Korea.…
Background Since its inaugural event in New York City (2009), the 4/14 Window Movement has enjoyed the blessing of God. Churches in every region and many countries have embraced the vision to reach, rescue, root and release the next generation. Champions for the children in every nation are emerging as…
The life and ministry of World Prayer Centre Birmingham England continues, by the grace of God, to grow and flourish. As we look back over the last 20 plus years, we are so grateful to God for His faithfulness and the support and friendship that have come from brothers and…
The prayer movement in Latin America goes hand in hand with the Pentecostal Movement that was successfully absorbed in our culture as an answer to the social, political, and economic problems of the 22 countries that make up Central and South America. In the last two decades we have seen…
We would like to invite you to the Arab/European Prayer Conference on May 14 through 16, 2015 at Wiesbaden, Germany. We see the countries of Europe at a crucial point in history; we are convinced that through prayer and humbling of His people, God is willing to change the history…
"The Christian community in Niger says it is in shock in the wake of weekend violence that has claimed the lives of ten people and led to the destruction of dozens of places of worship and Christian homes. The protest, which started in the country's second city, Zinder, on Friday…
"The establishment of the Khorasan chapter of the Islamic State in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region strengthens the Islamic State's image as a phenomenon with global reach. But the new chapter's links to the Islamic State are fragile, and it owes its existence more to the fragmentation of the cross-border Taliban movement…
While the world has been focused on the shocking terror attacks in Paris that left 17 dead, thousands of Christians have been murdered by Islamic Jihadists in Africa. Carnage Against ChristiansThe same week of the Paris attacks on Charlie Hebdo (a weekly magazine known for its irreverent and mocking articles…
Please watch the attached prayer video to understand the torment that Africa's most populous nation is undergoing due to the national battles against widespread corruption and the radical Islamic group, Boko Haram, which has killed or kidnapped thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Pray for the important national…
I am a Muslim. Both my parents are Muslims. All four of my grandparents were Muslims. So were their parents and their grandparents. I have always been proud to be Muslim for Islam is a religion of peace, a religion of justice, a religion of love. But lately I am…