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Friday, 19 November 2010 08:50

House church leaders fear an increased wave of persecution following a speech by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who warned against the ‘network of house churches’ that ‘threaten Islamic faith and deceive young Muslims’. His comments came in the context of warning against what he believed to be attacks against the pure principles of Islamic faith, including Hollywood films and cartoons that are at odds with Islam. A church leader from Iran said, ‘I think this is the first time that he has openly agitated against the house church movement and mentioned it specifically. Speeches like this often have far reaching consequences in the country. Not that the people of Iran react with violence against Christians, but behind the scenes, the security services and religious police will take measures. That is what leaders of house churches fear the most at this moment.’

Pray: that the speech will attract more Iranians to Christ now the House Church movement is officially recognised, and for government plans against Christians to be thwarted. (Pr.2:33)


Tuesday, 21 September 2010 14:33

In its news night programme on Friday 10th September Iranian State television announced that nine people had been arrested on the charge of carrying out evangelism just outside Hamedan. In this report State television mentioned that two of these people were being supported by organizations that are based outside the country, in particular the United States and Great Britain, but they did not mention the nationalities of these people. In this report it has been said that 'the other seven people who were arrested are Iranian and were cooperating with these Christian-Zionist organizations'. This report labels the arrested people as 'Christian Zionists' and 'evangelicals' but it did not say anything about their relationship with Israel or Zionists. In the Iranian government culture 'Christian-Zionists' is a title that they use to call Evangelical Christians who are benefiting from having access to a number of networks and TV satellite programmes for evangelism.

Pray: for believers in Iran that God will help them to overcome the pressure of the authorities. (Rev.17:14)


Thursday, 03 February 2011 15:43

We praise God for the four women released on January 29th, and one woman and two men released on the 26th who were arrested on December 26th, 2010 along with 31 others. We are asked to continue to pray for the remaining 26 Christians still in an Iranian prison for their faith. Some of those detained are obliged to pay $180,000 bail for temporary release. Parents remain imprisoned while children (some are minors) do not know where their parents are. Please also pray for Yousef Nadarkhani sentenced to death for apostasy.

Pray: for the release of the prisoners, for an end to bail demands and for the government policy of ‘religious cleansing’ to stop. (Jer.30:8-9)


Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:33

Iranian authorities secretly executed a Jewish-Armenian couple along with one women and two other men. It’s unknown what they were charged with. The dawn execution was on March 14 according to human rights activists in Iran. Adiva Mirza Soleiman Kalimi was a Jewish Iranian and her husband was an Armenian Iranian. The identities of the other individuals remain unknown. The families of the victims asked authorities to return the bodies so they could be buried according to their cultural and religious customs. However, they received threats of arrest for doing so from agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. While a Division Court of the Revolutionary Court located inside the Evin prison confirmed the execution it refused to provide further details regarding the prisoners' bodies.

Pray: that Christians jailed for their faith would be powerfully aware of God with them at all times and for all persecuted Christians to be bold, wise, and full of hope. (Heb.10:35)


Thursday, 23 May 2013 19:45

A former president supported by Iran’s moderates and considered a founding member of the Islamic republic was disqualified from being a candidate in Iran’s election, as was Ahmadinejad’s top aide Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei - their omission could cause a backlash from rivals of Iran’s conservative establishment. Large groups of riot police, similar to those on Tehran’s streets after the contested 2009 election results, patrolled on motorcycles throughout Tehran on Tuesday for the first time in more than a year. Many believe this was in anticipation of the candidate announcement. President Ahmadinejad cannot run for election again. He is limited to two terms. Under Iran's theocratic system Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wields supreme power making final decisions on nuclear and military questions. Meanwhile on Tuesday an AOG pastor in Tehran was detained as part of Iran's wider crackdown on evangelical believers. His church prepares for possible closure early June after pressure from the Intelligence Ministry. See:

Pray: that the new president will embark on an international image makeover and open the door to less hostile relations with Christians, their Arab neighbours and the West. (Mic.4:3)



Thursday, 02 June 2011 14:21

A 2010 report from the European Committee for Defence of Iranian Christians has been posted on Farsi Christian Network newswire stating, ‘putting pressure on, and bullying of, the Christian community in the Islamic Republic has significantly been increased in both scope and intensity during 2010.’

Pray: that Christians experiencing freedom to worship and share the gospel and intercede more passionately for persecuted Christians. (Col.1:9-11)



Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:28

Iran has warned the media against the publication of reports concerning the impact of Western sanctions, urging it to cooperate so that ‘the country is not hurt,’ Mohammad Hosseini, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance said. ‘Our country is not in a position to allow the media to publish any news or analysis which is not compatible with the regime's and national interests.’ The media are closely watched in Iran and authorities regularly warn against the publication of ‘negative’ information in the economic and social fields. Meanwhile Britain’s Daily Telegraph reported, ‘Iranians are abandoning traditional eating habits and giving up chicken, red meat, fruit and sugar, being thrown out of work at alarming rates because factories are unable to import goods and equipment and the country faces running short of medicines. Sanctions have become a humanitarian issue. Undercover researchers discovered 10 basic foods had risen in price by 70% since March while the average family's food basket shrunk by half. See:

Pray: that the sanctions would have the desired effect on the government and may the people of Iran experience a better quality of life physically, emotionally and spiritually. (Tit.3:1-2)


Monday, 02 August 2010 09:28

As unconfirmed reports continue to emerge of an imminent Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in Middle East media. A US-based strategic intelligence company released charts showing US naval carriers near Iranian waters. The chart dated June 23rd 2010 shows that over the last few weeks naval carrier the USS Harry S Truman has been positioned in the north Indian Ocean, not far from the Strait of Hormuz. (which leads into the Persian Gulf). The carrier joins USS Dwight D Eisenhower already in the area. Reports of movements of Israeli and US naval warships have been circulating through the media for weeks. (See Prayer Alert 2610) Ha'aretz reported 12 US and Israeli warships were seen moving through the Suez Canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. On Saturday Associated Press published ‘unconfirmed’ reports from Israeli and Iranian media that Saudi Arabia allowed Israel to use its territory in preparation for an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.

Pray: for a cooling down of this situation, for any erroneous reports to be exposed for what they are, while at the same time for all truth to be revealed and acted upon. (Pr.21:29-31)


Wednesday, 26 January 2011 14:30

Since last weeks report on the arrested Christians at Christmas there has been no further contact from the detainees. It is almost certain they are in interrogation in Block 209 in the basement of Evin Prison, Tehran. Block 209 is where other believers have been taken for horrendous interrogation. The arrested are blindfolded, questioned by different officers for hours on end, returned to their cells, and then called again; this can go on for over a month. Whenever they leave their cells, they are blindfolded. Intense psychological pressure is put on them to renounce their faith. There are many reports of prisoners in this block being tortured. During the time of interrogation no contact with family members is allowed. Iranian churches held a day of prayer and fasting for Christian prisoners last Sunday and encourage us all to persevere in intercession for the suffering church in Iran.

Pray: for God's power to be revealed through these believers' ordeal, making them strong spiritually, emotionally and physically. (Gal.2:20&Ps.29:11)


Thursday, 08 August 2013 19:05

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has voiced concern about the future for religious minorities in Iran after a fatwa, or religious edict was issued against the Baha'i community. The fatwa, or religious edict, was issued by the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khameni on 31 July. It labels Baha'i as a ‘deviant and misleading sect’ and calls on Iranians to avoid them. Baha’i has over 300,000 followers. The US Commission on International Religious Freedom puts the number of Baha'is currently being held in prison for their beliefs at 110. They suffer further discrimination in employment and learning, being excluded from further education and public sector jobs. CSW said that as ultimate power lies with the Supreme Leader it was questionable whether newly installed President Hassan Rouhani could meet his promise to rule with moderation and ensure the rights of religious minorities. The fatwa calls into question the possibility of any early improvements in the plight of all Iran's religious minorities including Christians.

Pray: for God to inspire the leadership of Iran to protect and treat minority groups fairly. (Dan.11:1)
