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Saturday, 09 October 2010 06:59

A young Iranian believer from a Muslim background died of injuries sustained when he was severely beaten by a relative. Elam Ministries report that the relative took exception to the believer’s clear commitment to Jesus. He leaves a wife and two young children. According to the Farsi Christian News Network, three of 15 believers arrested on 8th July for their faith remain detained. A number of others continue to be detained for their faith in Iran, all are under pressure to recant their faith but are refusing to do so. According to Iranian State Television in September nine believers have also been arrested in Hamedan on charges of evangelism. We can praise God that nearly five months after being released from prison, an Iranian court has acquitted Maryam Rostampour and Marzieh Amirizadeh Esmaeilabad of all charges related to being Christians and engaging in Christian activities.

Pray: that prisoners will know the presence and peace of Jesus, remain clearly committed and fulfil the Father's purposes for their lives. (Ps.23:3-5)

More: htp://

Friday, 14 October 2011 14:52

There have been developments in Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani’s situation, whose death sentence for apostasy was upheld in court hearings in late September. First, his lawyer has been informed that the case is being referred to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Second, a reliable source reported on Wednesday 11th October that the Supreme Court announced it would be willing to consider a further appeal. These are unusual developments in Iran's legal system, and are likely to further delay the issuing of a written verdict following the most recent hearing.

Pray: for an end of uncertainty and for Pastor Yousef’s death sentence to be revoked and conviction overturned. (Mic.6:8)


Thursday, 03 January 2013 19:17

Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani was arrested on Christmas Day allegedly because of improperly completed paperwork, denying him the chance to celebrate the birth of Christ at home with his family for the first time in three years. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) and Present Truth Ministries both reported the news, saying Pastor Nadarkhani was back in Lakan Prison in Rasht serving another 40 days. ‘We are disappointed to hear Pastor Nadarkhani has been returned to prison in such an irregular manner,’ said Mervyn Thomas, CSW's Chief Executive. ‘The timing is insensitive and especially sad for his wife and sons who were looking forward to celebrating Christmas together. We hope that Pastor Nadarkhani will be released without delay once this alleged sentence has been fully served. In November Pastor Nadarkhani thanked all who prayed and advocated for his release during CSW's National Conference in London, where he was a special guest.

Pray: for the pastor's safety, and for his family at this difficult time. Pray also for the un-reached peoples across Iran to have a hunger to know God and meet His Son. (Eph.4:1)



Saturday, 23 October 2010 09:21

Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reported a Christian pastor in Iran faces a potential death penalty for a ‘thought crime’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says they don't have a ‘thought crime' law yet that's what Pastor Nadarkhani is charged with.’ VOM confirms the Pastor’s trial was wrapped up within the last 60 days but the formal verdict has not been announced nor a sentence imposed. Nadarkhani was arrested in 2009 after complaining about the Islamic instruction of his Christian sons in the school system. Religious education is a part of the curriculum but the Christian Nadarkhani family wanted their sons to receive Christian religious instruction instead of Islamic. Nadarkhani's wife Fatima was arrested several months earlier and remains behind bars. Their arrests can be linked to a crackdown by authorities concerned about the spread of Christianity among Muslims in the country.

Pray: for God to thwart Iran’s attempts to control every facet of society and religious expression and for justice to prevail in the courts. (Eze.34:16)


Thursday, 17 January 2013 16:40

Pastor Benham Irani is severely ill in jail in Iran – and he shouldn’t be in prison in the first place. As you read this, Pastor Irani is bleeding severely from acute stomach ulcers and colon complications, can barely walk and has problems with his vision. The brutal beatings he’s received from prison authorities and other inmates have resulted in horrific injuries, and he urgently needs medical help and of course our prayers.

Pray for God’s healing hand to be upon him and protect him from further harm. (Ps.5:11)



Monday, 19 July 2010 21:02

A well-known Iranian pastor detained in June faces execution after two judges agreed to make him ‘liable to capital punishment,’ in a crackdown on growing Protestant churches. A senior pastor of the Church of Iran movement, comprising house churches across Iran, said judges had already signed an Islamic death sentence order, pending further investigations. see  Also Ali Golchin has been in Evin Prison’s solitary confinement since April 29, and is believed to have been ill-treated. After weeks of petitioning authorities his father was allowed a ten minute visit and found his son 'crying uncontrollably' and in obvious pain. Ali, a chemical analyst, had twice been sent to the prison health centre due to 'weakness and severe stomach aches'. Farsi Christian News Network’s sources believe Ali has been ill-treated during interrogation sessions. But praise God for the release of two Church of Iran Christians and the expected release on bail of two other Christians identified as ‘brothers Mehdi and Afshin'.

Pray: for Ali's spiritual and physical strengthening, and for God to touch the hearts of Iranian officials charged with detaining Christian prisoners of faith. (2Ch.11:17)


Wednesday, 12 January 2011 14:16

Youcef Nadarkhani, a father of two and an Iranian pastor was arrested in October 2009 after he objected to the teaching of Islam to Christian children in schools and he has been held in prison ever since and sentenced to death for apostasy - even though this is not a crime under the country's penal code. His wife Fatemeh Passandideh was arrested in June 2010, and sentenced to life in prison. But praise God she was released on appeal in October. Youcef was born to Muslim parents and accepted no religion before becoming a Christian aged 19. His case is seen as part of a growing campaign against Christians involved in the house church movement in Iran. The pastor will become the first person in 20 years to be executed for apostasy in Iran unless the sentence is overturned.

Pray: for the international community to pressurise the Iranian judiciary to uphold its own law and set Youcef free. (Ps.36:6)


Thursday, 24 January 2013 19:32

Last month, governmental authorities in Iran put more pressure on Christians in the country by demanding personal details of members of a Tehran church. Divulging personal information is risky as a Christian worker explained, ‘For former Muslims who follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, find there are often huge obstacles and problems, they'll lose their jobs, their bank accounts are frozen, and in general, life becomes very difficult.’ With that in mind, it was thought that maybe 100 at the most would come forward, however, over 700 stepped up, gave their names and addresses and said, 'Here we are. Here's where we stand. Calling Christians in Iran resilient, the OM worker noted that ‘they value the precious treasure they've found; they're willing to lose everything for the sake of finding Christ.’ The worker added that one of the best ways for believers around the world to stand with the Church in Iran is to pray for them.

Pray: for all those who have chosen to follow Jesus that God would put His arms around them. (Ps.91:14)



Monday, 27 February 2012 14:23

NY Times report: ‘As tension grew in its nuclear dispute with the West, Iran warned it would take pre-emptive action against perceived foes if it felt its national interests were threatened. Without mentioning Israel directly, Mohammed Hejazi, the deputy Armed Forces head said, ‘Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran's national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions.' Reuters reported. ‘Divisions in Iran's leadership make it difficult to interpret the government's intentions, but the statement showed a new level of aggressiveness in Iran's rhetoric.’ A two-day visit by the International Atomic Energy Agency team is the second in less than a month amid growing concerns over alleged Iranian weapons experiments. Two Iranian warships docked in the Syrian port of Tartus on Monday as a senior Iranian lawmaker denounced American calls for arming the Syrian opposition.

Pray: that God in His mercy will reign over Iranian leaders and scientists. (Ps.35:17-18)



Monday, 29 April 2013 17:08

On Tuesday a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck close to Iran's nuclear power station, killing at least 37 people and injuring 850 more. The distance between the earthquake focal point and the nuclear power plant was 80km. The quake was felt across the Gulf in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, where workers were evacuated from high-rise buildings as a precaution. Meanwhile on the same day EU Nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers in Kazakhstan revealed that 'the two sides remain far apart on substance.' At a P5+1 international meeting Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman urged the world powers to recognize the Islamic Republic’s nuclear rights and take confidence-building measures with Tehran. He reiterated that the Islamic Republic will use its nuclear capabilities for peaceful purposes and the development of the country. Israel and other allies fear Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy programme.,7340,L-4364580,00.html

Pray: that God would speak and achieve His purposes through the international community regarding Iran’s intentions. (Ps.33:10-11)
