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Thursday, 02 May 2013 19:05

In the 1970s, Iraq was one of the best countries in the Middle East and North Africa to be a child, but after decades of war and neglect it is one of the worst. According to the Iraqi government almost 1 in 3 children have lost one or both parents and approximately 600,000 children are living on the streets. Child labour has increased (15% of children under 14 now working). By 2008 over 2 million children had been displaced since 2003. Internally displaced children are often victims of crime, exploitation and abduction. Each year around 35,000 infants die before their first birthday, Over 1.5 million children under the age of five are undernourished; around 700,000 children are not enrolled in primary school. Thousands of children have been maimed by the war and subsequent violence. Many have lost limbs but their families are unable to afford the most basic aids such as crutches or wheelchairs let alone prosthesis. The rights of many Iraqi children to be with family and community, in good health and in appropriate education have been violated by war.

Pray: for governments to provide support for those who have been exploited, maimed and or phaned by war. (Ps.72:4)


Saturday, 28 August 2010 08:40

‘The US has a duty to leave behind peace not chaos when troops finally withdraw from Iraq. We desire, we ask, and we scream for peace and security,’ said Chaldean Auxiliary Bishop Shlemon Warduni of Baghdad in an interview with Vatican Radio on August 19th. The last of the US combat troops left Iraq earlier this month formally ending Operation Iraqi Freedom. About 50,000 US troops will remain in Iraq until the end of 2011 to continue training and assisting Iraqi security forces. Bishop Warduni said: ‘There are no jobs; there are car bombs, kamikaze attacks and acts of violence.’ He also expressed concern about the political deadlock between Iraqi leaders unable to form a government since parliamentary elections in March. ‘It's very difficult to live somewhere where there is no law and no government, terrorist elements take advantage of the lack of a stable central authority and come and go as they please.’

Pray: for democracy to be taught and a strong, stable government be birthed (Is.51:4)


Tuesday, 18 May 2010 16:47

Monday was the deadliest day of the year in Iraq. Almost 100 Iraqis were killed in a series of attacks.The violence started with drive-by shootings and bombings at security check points in Baghdad. Then two car bombs exploded and while people gathered to help the victims, a suicide bomber attacked the crowd outside a textile factory. One witness said, ‘Terrified people were running in different directions. I saw dead people, people burned and crying, wounded people on the ground that was covered with pools of blood. Dozens of wounded people asking for help were lying on the ground.’ The government is accusing Al Qaeda and the violence fuels growing fear over the country's political uncertainty. It's been two months since elections there and still no new government in sight. Meanwhile, the U.S. will pull out half of its troops over the next four months.

Pray: for God to remove all indecision and enable his choice of government and leadership to be established. (Ex.18:21)

Monday, 29 April 2013 16:02

Ten years after the start of the Iraq war the International Medical Corps is proud to have been one of the few humanitarian organisations able to deliver assistance to the Iraqi people non-stop throughout the decade. Before the conflict started they provided primary health care services and training to Iraqi medical professionals. Within days of the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime their emergency response teams were working closely with the Ministry of Health to maintain vital services to some of the most vulnerable Iraqis. The story of International Medical Corps in Iraq has been one of hope and determination by the Iraqi people to secure a safer, healthier, self-reliant future. They provide primary and secondary health care, mental health & psychosocial support and economic livelihood training to some of the 1.5 million Iraqis displaced inside the country.

Pray: for this and similar work to continue renovating hospitals, training medical practitioners and assisting the returning refugees and displaced Iraqi people.



Thursday, 09 January 2014 00:00

Reporters Without Borders has condemned the Jihadi group ‘Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIS) who are attacking news media and journalists in both Iraq and what they call ‘liberated areas’ of Syria. This Jihadi group uses intimidation, abduction, torture and murder to further its goal of controlling news and media information. ISIS target all who do not share their ideology and rule nothing out in order to impose a reign of terror. The local media play a crucial role in Syria, where news gathering and dissemination is becoming increasingly dangerous. Nowadays ISIS are carrying out real crimes against freedom of information. Historically the name Isis was that of the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, now it’s a group of jihadist fighters engaged in extreme violence and instilling fear in the media and the towns by their bloody standards of Syria’s savage civil war. See als



Friday, 27 July 2012 16:54

The first online statement from the new leader of al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq claims the terrorist network is preparing operations to free prisoners and assassinate court officials. The audio identifies the speaker as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who became head of the Islamic State of Iraq in 2010. It was posted on a website regularly used by al Qaeda to make statements. Al-Baghdadi invited Muslims to come to Iraq to join his movement and released the statement as Sunni insurgents, now thought to be dominated by the group, stepped up attacks against Shiites, government officials and other targets. ‘I bring you good news. We are starting a new phase in our struggle with a plan we named Breaking the Walls, and we remind you of your priority to free the Muslim prisoners,’ al-Baghdadi said. He urged tribal leaders to send their men to join al Qaeda as it returns to areas from which it withdrew. See: For INSIGHTS to aid intercession for Iraq click the 'Info' button

Pray: against the fear and panic caused by militants, and for the political parties to restore stability. (Ps.5:8)


Saturday, 10 December 2011 14:14

Iraq: 30 died in car bomb attacks against Shia Muslims celebrating Ashura in Baghdad and Hilla. The attacks follow violence against Christian shops and properties in the Kurdistan region. Also in Dahuk three shops and a community centre belonging to Chaldean Christians were burnt in a campaign that targets ‘all that is contrary to Sharia, by Islamists who want to radicalize Iraq. Unfortunately there is no ‘moderate movement’ capable of containing the fundamentalist drift against Christians in the north. The Christian community is an easy target in the game for the conquest of power. Afghanistan: 59 died in bombings against Shiite Muslims. An Afghan official said, ‘the bomber in Kabul was a Pakistani, affiliated to Pakistan's extremist Lashkar-i-Jhangvi group, which has killed thousands of Pakistani Shiites.’ The faction is linked to Al-Qaeda. See

Pray: in the midst of turmoil and terror, that God's purposes for the region would prevail. (Mt.6:10)



Thursday, 11 August 2011 15:53

On August 3rd a car bomb outside a Catholic church in Kirkuk, Iraq, left 13 wounded as police disarmed two more car bombs targeting churches in the city. Online video images of the attack against the Holy Family Church showed a wall blasted open and broken glass, rubble and dust throughout the building. The explosion occurred on the second day of the month-long Muslim fasting period of Ramadan. See: In Nigeria a committee was investigating how to overcome rapidly spreading Islamic violence after two weekend bomb explosions near churches in mainly Muslim areas. The blasts rocked the city of Jos on Saturday near a Baptist Church. A second bomb exploded Sunday morning near a Church of Christ in Nigeria building and an Assemblies of God sanctuary in the Kwarrarafa Area. The explosions came a week after five were killed in violence between Muslims and Christians in Jos.

Pray: for peace and protection in churches and public gathering places and for authorities to have much wisdom and watchfulness. (Ja.3:17)


Monday, 30 January 2012 14:57

A Christian convert whom security authorities arrested in her home was sentenced to two years in prison by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, reports Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News. According to reports sent by reporters of Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News, Ms. Leila Mohammadi, a Christian convert who resided east of Tehran, was sentenced to two years of imprisonment after enduring 5 months of uncertainty in notorious Evin prison. Her trial was held on 18 January in Revolutionary Court in Moalem street where she was charged with "collaboration with foreign-dependent groups, broad anti-Islamic propaganda, deceiving citizens by formation of what is called a house church, Insulting sacred figures and action against national security." However she was acquitted of collaboration with foreign-dependent groups because the judge believed she had done that unintentionally. For the other charges she was sentenced to two years in prison and the ruling was delivered to her.

Pray: for God to give Leila courage and strength and to watch over her during her imprisonment. (Dt.31:6)


Friday, 07 September 2012 10:42

Last week a Jewish advocacy group, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), urged Iran's Non-Alignment Movement summit to address the plight of Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who has been imprisoned for over 1,000 days due to his Christian faith. The summit served as a platform for Iran to gain international support during tough sanctions levied against it by many western countries and bolster its relationships with North Korea, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Sudan. AJC implored United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to ‘emphatically speak out in support of Pastor Nadarkhani's freedom’ arguing that Iran is violating its own constitution, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by holding Nadarkhani for more than 1,000 days on charges of apostasy and attempting to evangelize Muslims.

Pray: against Iran’s harassment of Christians, religious minorities, human rights advocates and for the release of all prisoners of conscience. (Is.61:1b)
