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Wednesday, 06 April 2011 14:28

In the wake of a terrorist attack in Jerusalem last Wednesday, Palestinian militants continued firing rockets into southern Israel. Israel launched new airstrikes in Gaza. Islamic Jihad, a Middle Eastern terrorist group, claimed responsibility for Thursday’s rocket fire. However, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said the nation holds Hamas responsible. Hamas said it wants to ‘restore calm’ and would not attack. Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that the nation will not be passive about terrorism. See: Yesterday CNN reported Israeli aircraft hitting a terrorist squad in the Southern Gaza Strip which had launched rockets towards Israeli communities. A Palestinian citizen was killed. A Hamas statement said Israel shelled a tunnel on the Palestinian-Egyptian border with no injures reported. There has been a week of heightened violence between the two sides.

Pray: against an escalation of violence. (Pr.3:31)


Saturday, 30 October 2010 08:09

Israel is facing a water shortage. Although abundant rainfall in February brought the Lake Kinneret back over its ‘red line’ (the point at which water levels are dangerously low) the country is still recovering from five consecutive dry years. Thursday night was the seventh day of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. Jews living in Israel began praying for rain and from that date they will change the phrase, ‘And give blessing’ to ‘And give dew and rain for a blessing,’ in their weekday prayers. Sephardi Jews request ‘dew and showers’. Jews living abroad will begin saying the blessing for rain in several weeks' time. The custom of adding the prayer for dew and rain on 7 Cheshvan dates back to the times of the First Temple and Second Temple. Prayers for rain will be recited until the Passover holiday in the spring.

Pray: and join the cry for God to answer his people’s prayers for rain in Israel. (1Ki.8:36)


Friday, 04 October 2013 09:24

GOD is stirring the hearts of His people to pray for both Jew and Arab in Jerusalem in response to what is happening in the world today. This Sunday tens of millions of Christians in literally every corner of this planet will unite for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ). The multinational, multi-denominational global prayer movement was started in 2002 by Evangelical Christian leaders with the statement, ‘We are gathering together in Jerusalem during the season of the High Holidays and declaring that Christians will continue to pray for G-d’s peace to come to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. We will remind G-d of His promises, and we will remind Israel’s detractors that Israel is not alone.’ In 2013 this prayer call has come from more than 1,200 global leaders. To view a partial list of these leaders go to:

Pray:    may many to join the Global chorus of prayer – for God surely hears the cry of His intercessors, and praise God for a Church in Unity. (Ps.122:6-7).


Wednesday, 29 September 2010 12:05

Millions of Christians around the world will join together on Sunday October 3 to pray during the Global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. In Jerusalem the prayer day will be marked by a special live televised celebration to 192 nations from a position overlooking the Old City. The Rev Dr. Robert Stearns of Eagles' Wings will lead the Jerusalem event and Mayor Barkat will bring greetings from Jerusalem to the hundreds of thousands of worldwide viewers joining the telecast. See Jerusalem is under tremendous pressure on all sidesand the prayers of faithful people will make a difference, especially as Christians and Jews from the nations, together with Israeli Christians and Arab Christians, stand together in Jerusalem.

Pray: for many to hear of this and stand in prayer with Arab and Israeli Christians for the Peace of Jerusalem. (Ps.122:6)


Saturday, 28 May 2011 09:07

On Tuesday Binyamin Netanyahu told US congress, ‘Israel will compromise for peace but will not return to 1967 borders’ stressing Israel’s position as a democratic ‘friend of America’. He largely ruled out movement on the issues that are important to Palestinians, stating the issue of Palestinian refugees must be resolved outside the borders of Israel and that Jerusalem must remain the united capital of Israel. Saeb Erekat, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's executive committee said, ‘We've not heard any new words in Netanyahu's speech in front of congress tonight. He's chosen to dictate, not negotiate.’ After Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Congress thousands of activists conducted meetings with senators and house members.

Pray: for a partnership of peace to be allowed to grow in the region and for the Peace of Jerusalem to be constant. (Is.33:20)



Thursday, 31 January 2013 16:54

A series of Palestinian attacks against Israelis occurred in and around Jerusalem over the weekend, a clear reminder that the tension-wracked capital remains ready to explode despite relative calm in recent months. On Sunday evening, a bus travelling from Jerusalem to a Jewish community just north of the city was damaged in a Palestinian stone-throwing attack. Because the stones managed to penetrate the bullet-proof glass, it was at first reported as a shooting attack. Also on the outskirts of Jerusalem, Israeli security forces in at least three separate incidents caught would-be Arab assailants in possession of pipe bombs. Israeli security officials have noted a significant rise in the number of attacks in and around Jerusalem in recent months, both armed attacks and ‘popular’ attacks, which means the assailants use Molotov cocktails and stones instead of guns and knives.

Pray: for the peace of Jerusalem and that all would live together in peace. (Rom.12:18)



Thursday, 05 January 2012 15:20

On Wednesday Hamas official, Izzat al-Rishq, criticized the previous day's meeting in Amman between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators as a waste of time, saying talks between negotiators were, ‘selling illusions to the Palestinian people.’ The official also condemned the Palestinian Authority's participation, saying that the ‘absurd’ meeting did not receive support from the Palestinian people. The negotiators met in Amman on Tuesday for the first direct talks in 16 months. They agreed to continue talking, with another round scheduled in Jordan next week. The Jordanian Foreign Minister said at a press conference after the meeting that the Palestinian delegation submitted proposals on border and security issues to Israel, and that the Israeli team took the proposals and said it would respond and present its ideas in a future meeting. One principle that Israel is expected to put forward is the need for an Israeli security presence along the Jordan river in any agreement.

Pray: for good faith to be throughout these negotiations, bringing the two sides closer and Israel less internationally isolated. (Ps.3:8)


Friday, 16 August 2013 19:45

Peace efforts restarted after three years when Israel began to release 26 Palestinian prisoners. However diplomacy was overshadowed by Israeli proposals to buils 3,000+ new settler units, 900 in East Jerusalem. A senior PLO official said the proposed Jewish settler homes could ‘collapse’ the talks. A spokeswoman for Israel’s interior ministry said more approvals were needed and it could be years before building began. Israel's ‘Peace Now’ organisation disputed this, believing that construction could begin within weeks. A spokesman for Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinians shouldn’t be surprised - Israel had rejected Mr Abbas's demand for a freeze on settlement building as a precondition for talks. Abdullah Abdullah, a member of the legislative council and a supporter of Mr Abbas said Palestinians would not stay in the talks if Israel continued with the settlement surge. ‘We have other options.’ he said. US Secretary of State John Kerry hopes to achieve a peace deal within nine months.

Pray: for positive perseverance and cooperative clarifications by all involved in these negotiations. (Jer.30:10)



Saturday, 20 October 2012 12:52

In a Tehran meeting between senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar and Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, Mr Salehi said, ‘The wave of Islamic Awakening in the Muslim world, especially in regional countries, is a great opportunity and valuable potential for Palestine. This comment followed a conference last month entitled ‘Resistance - Islamic Awakening and Liberation of Palestine.' The Iranian Foreign Minister noted that with the establishment of popular governments in Muslim countries the regional nations and countries will strongly continue their efforts to defend Palestine until the liberation of al-Quds (Jerusalem). Salehi said, ‘Iran did its best to make the summit adopt powerful stances on Palestine and the final result of those efforts were quite favourable.’ Al-Zahar expressed hope that during the presidency of the Islamic Republic, the rights of the Palestinian nation would be defended stronger than before, emphasizing that the Palestinian people will continue their resistance against the Zionist regime of Israel and will not withdraw from their rights and principles.

Pray: for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps.122:6,7)



Saturday, 03 December 2011 11:15

The Lebanese national news Agency said the Israeli rockets caused material damage when they exploded in the southern Lebanese town of Ayta Shaab on Tuesday. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. ‘We know that a rocket was fired from the region of Rmeish and we are investigating,’ said a Lebanese army spokesman. The attack followed the Israeli army report that at least two Lebanese rockets landed on Israeli soil. Major-General Alberto Cuevas, commander of the United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon said the attack was clearly aimed at undermining stability in the area. Israel and Lebanon live under an uneasy UN-brokered truce after the 2006 war between the Israeli army and Iranian-backed Lebanese Shia militant group Hezbollah.

Pray: that the exchange of fire will not lead to a wider conflict. (Ps.147:14)
