Israel: Palestinians attack Israeli bus in Jerusalem

Written by Super User 31 Jan 2013

A series of Palestinian attacks against Israelis occurred in and around Jerusalem over the weekend, a clear reminder that the tension-wracked capital remains ready to explode despite relative calm in recent months. On Sunday evening, a bus travelling from Jerusalem to a Jewish community just north of the city was damaged in a Palestinian stone-throwing attack. Because the stones managed to penetrate the bullet-proof glass, it was at first reported as a shooting attack. Also on the outskirts of Jerusalem, Israeli security forces in at least three separate incidents caught would-be Arab assailants in possession of pipe bombs. Israeli security officials have noted a significant rise in the number of attacks in and around Jerusalem in recent months, both armed attacks and ‘popular’ attacks, which means the assailants use Molotov cocktails and stones instead of guns and knives.

Pray: for the peace of Jerusalem and that all would live together in peace. (Rom.12:18)



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