Israel: Prepare for War?

Written by Super User 06 Apr 2011

In the wake of a terrorist attack in Jerusalem last Wednesday, Palestinian militants continued firing rockets into southern Israel. Israel launched new airstrikes in Gaza. Islamic Jihad, a Middle Eastern terrorist group, claimed responsibility for Thursday’s rocket fire. However, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said the nation holds Hamas responsible. Hamas said it wants to ‘restore calm’ and would not attack. Israeli’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it clear that the nation will not be passive about terrorism. See: Yesterday CNN reported Israeli aircraft hitting a terrorist squad in the Southern Gaza Strip which had launched rockets towards Israeli communities. A Palestinian citizen was killed. A Hamas statement said Israel shelled a tunnel on the Palestinian-Egyptian border with no injures reported. There has been a week of heightened violence between the two sides.

Pray: against an escalation of violence. (Pr.3:31)


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