Kyrgyzstan: Injustice may spark fresh violence

Written by Super User 09 Jun 2011

Failure to deliver justice for last year's killings of civilians in ethnic clashes in Kyrgyzstan could spark more violence, Amnesty International warns. In a report released ahead of the first anniversary of the 10 June unrest. Amnesty urges Bishkek to ‘establish the truth about what happened’. 470 people died in four days of clashes between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in the south of the country, hundreds were injured and thousands of houses destroyed. The violence followed weeks of turmoil after the ousting of then President Kurmanbek Bakiyev in April 2010’s uprising. Amnesty International urges the Kyrgyz government to punish the perpetrators of last year's violence. ‘Failure to bring those behind the violence to justice could provide fertile soil for future turmoil and human rights violations,' said Amnesty's Europe and Central Asia director. Ethnic bias and corruption are behind the pervading impunity in Kyrgyzstan.

Pray: for a rebuilding of trust between the ethnic groups, and for justice to be seen to be done. (Ps.103:6)



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