The beleaguered 1,000 strong Shouwang Church in Beijing has had to worship in the park for nearly eight months since the government stopped them from worshipping in their church building. On Christmas Day they celebrated their last outdoor service after facing weekly arrests. The church leaders say that in 2012 they will renew their efforts to gain government approval to hold worship services in the building they had previously purchased.

Pray: that Beijing Christians may freely and safely worship the Lord in 2012 pray also for all Chinese believers to know God's faithfulness as he builds his Church. (Jn.4:23)



A house church in far Western China’s region of Xinjiang that took legal action against local police for earlier persecution has been targeted again by the police. On Sunday July 22nd Police took pastor Zhong Shuguang, his wife and fifteen other believers into custody for a day and confiscated church books. In April and May the church filed for an administrative review for having its church leader, Zhong Shuguang taken into custody for 15 days. Now the church has been targeted for a series of retaliatory actions by the local police. In July agents illegally entered the house of Zhong on the pretext of investigating an illegal meeting and took the projector, computer and other computer-related items. ChinaAid strongly condemns the authorities disregard for the law and wilfully trampling on the right to religious freedom of its citizens.

Pray: that the Chinese Christians currently being persecuted will experience God’s protection and provision against illegal interference and attacks and may they continue to find creative opportunities to grow. (Ps.20:1)


A London conference was held last week by Christian Solidarity Worldwide and Release International to raise awareness of persecuted Christians in China. Release International called on Microsoft and Yahoo to follow Google's lead and refuse to censor the Internet and reports of persecution in China. ‘Religious persecution is a daily reality in China,’ said Release CEO Andy Dipper. ‘The Chinese people need to be told the truth and gatekeepers to the Internet, namely Microsoft and Yahoo, have a duty to let the truth be told.’ The conference highlighted the plight of human rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, who disappeared more than 400 days ago after defending leaders of the persecuted house church and practitioners of the banned movement Falun Gong. Praise God Gao has been interviewed, see Praise article below.

Pray: that Gao Zkisheng would be released immediately along with many others in similar circumstances. (Ps.4:1)


ChinaAid has received information from more than one reliable source that 'Operation Deterrence' crackdowns are norrowly focussed on Christian churches and may be solely directed at China’s vibrant network of house churches and their members. Recent government actions against Christians have included official harassment of influential house church leaders and cyberattacks that brought down ChinaAid’s Chinese and English news websites. In recent years the Beijing regime had stepped back from its hostility toward and opposition to the house church movement; leading many Christians in China and overseas to believe that these unregistered congregations could win official sanction without having to join the government-run Three-Self Patriotic Movement, the only Protestant church officially allowed to function in China. Operation Deterrence harks back to the previous era of hostilities that for decades drove unknown hundreds of thousands of believers to worship in secret and fearing for their lives and freedom.

Pray: China would see unity in all her churches and that house churches would be able to have a dialogue with the government. (Is.25:5)


Approximately 10 police officials raided the home of a Christian in Beijing searching for Hua Huiqi, a formerly imprisoned pastor. Every room in the house was ransacked, including a bedroom belonging to a child. The officials questioned the homeowner about intentions to meet with foreigners later that evening. In response to the incident the owner later spoke these powerful words: ‘Because the Beijing police have crossed the line, and have blatantly and continually abused the basic rights of my entire family, I hereby announce that today I will begin to continually fast and pray. I will pray to the Lord to bless China and to fill it with righteousness! I also request, brothers and sisters, that you pray for me and my family, and that God may grant us freedom from fear!.’ Prayer Alert office asks you to spread the news of this article so that many Christians will stand with Hua Huiqi for China.

Pray: that Hua Huiqi will not give in to fear and for other Christians facing opposition in China to remain confident in Christ. (1 Pe.3:14-17)

More: http://

Academics agree, ‘China is at a crossroads’. A new leadership will establish a distinctive character of its own. The new president Xi Jinping knows the West in a way none of his predecessors did. His daughter is studying in the United States and he has spent time there too. He will not act on his own and needs to persuade the rest of the Party leadership to go along with him, but he may represent a shift to change. Younger people in the cities don’t recognise the old Communist leadership which is irrelevant to their lives and futures. The Chinese Church also has been changing - on Tuesday Christian leaders and a number of Bible Society donors joined government officials from the State of Administration for Religious Affairs for a ceremony celebrating over 60 million Bibles having now been distributed throughout China. See:

Pray: for God’s hand to guide China through this season of change into a new identity and Christian inheritance. ( Ps.125:3 & Pr.29:4)


Christians in remote Xinjiang province are suspected of being a cult after a violent armed raid with guns and electric batons on their house church. One Christian named as Sister Xu remains in detention. Another house church leader Brother Shen, was summoned for interrogation separately, which caused an 'episode' relating to his heart condition. Christian leader, Sister Cao, fled the area fearing she would be detained. All are members of the same house church. In March officials visited Sister Xu's home while she was hosting a prayer meeting. The 14 assembled Christians did not answer the door and officials left. Later that evening armed police arrived to confiscate property, take fingerprints and blood samples from Xu, her son and husband before taking them to the police station for written statements. It was there that Xu's husband saw information on a computer alleging links between the house church and a Chinese religious cult.

Pray: for God to strengthen Sister Xu, protect Sister Cao and fill all members of this house church afresh with His Holy Spirit. Ask God to touch the hearts of officials investigating the church. (Is.40:31)



The officially atheist Chinese government requested religious groups and people of faith to help with the rebuilding efforts in a northwest province ravaged by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on April 14. In an open letter posted on its official Government website China asked the religious community to donate towards reconstruction in the Tibetan area of Yushu in Qinghai Province. The religious community has already donated over 86.9 million yuan, $12.7 million, for the quake-hit area. The Chinese hope Christian leaders and individual believers can make further donations. The letter also expressed appreciation for the prayers and immediate relief from religious organizations when at least 2,220 people were killed, over 12,000 injured and 100,000 left homeless. World Vision, Caritas Internationalis, ACT Alliance, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Catholic Relief Services responded to the needs and are still there distributing aid. In recent years China has been more receptive to religion in society despite problems with religious freedom.

Pray: for more safe avenues of Christian activity in China and for many to step into open Christian witness as God alters the spirit over the nation. (Ro.10:14-15)
