North Korea: Thousands of Christians in prison camps

Written by Super User 01 Aug 2013

North Korea: Thousands of Christians in prison camps

Last Saturday was the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean War and CSW used the date to highlight the plight of at least 200,000 Christians and other inmates detained in five political prison camps across North Korea. Previously Christian aid and advocacy group Open Doors suggested that the real number of prisoners in dozens of facilities resembling concentration camps may be as high as over one million. ‘Christians are particularly targeted for their faith.’ said CSW. ‘The camps are complete villages.’ said Open Doors.Yet, despite the threat of detention and even execution thousands of Christians continue to worship in secret, rights investigators say. Recently Amnesty International called the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il to - acknowledge the existence of political prison camps in North Korea - immediately close all these camps, unconditionally release prisoners of conscience (relatives held on the basis of ‘guilt-by-association’) and release all others unless they are charged with an internationally recognizable offence.

Pray: for an end to the barbaric torture, inhumane living conditions and unjust regime and for God to continue to minister powerfully to our brothers and sisters living in unimaginable conditions. (Ps.7:6-9)



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