The Chinese government and the Catholic Church have long been at odds over the ordination of new bishops. The state administered Catholic Church in China often ignores Vatican authority and ordains new bishops without permission. Priests who speak out against the government instigated ordinations are arrested or forced to attend training classes until their views more closely reflect the government’s official stance. Last Friday bishops defied a warning from the Vatican and attended the ordination by Chinese officials of a new bishop for the Harbin diocese without approval from the Holy See. Bishop Joseph Yue Fusheng, a vice president of government backed Patriotic Association, was ordained. Five Vatican approved bishops attended. Shortly after the service police released three priests who had been arrested just before the illicit ordination because they opposed the ordination, as had many of the faithful in Harbin.

Pray: for protection over Gods chosen leaders, and may they recognise all the authority given to them by the Lord and be empowered as they serve Him and the nation. (Mat.28:18,19a)



ChinaAid reported that early Friday morning more than 10 believers were taken away by officials; five of them were not released until that afternoon. Without going through any paperwork government officials confiscated items belonging to the church. A ChinaAid spokesperson said, ‘In this process of persecution and growth the Chinese church is encouraged to play well the role of Samaritans, abandon excuses of cowardice and bravely face dark and violent forces of the government by adhering to the principles of Christian ethics and morality. They should unite and help each other, firmly refusing to compromise; and produce greater light and salt.’ ChinaAid expresses deep regret at the ‘ultra-leftist policies’ that the Chinese government is pursuing recently.

Pray: that the church will grow increasingly mature in the storm of persecutions and eventually the name of Jesus Christ will be glorified in the region. (Ac.10:35)


Chinese authorities raided a house church in Shaanxi Province where twelve believers were gathered for Sunday worship in the village of Ma'an. A local police chief and two officers broke into the home, confiscated Bibles and other Christian literature, then took all the believers into police custody. Ten were released that evening. Two believers Weng and Zhang Yongkuan remain detained. See: Also on April 3rd at Beijing’s 1,000 strong Shouwang Church, worshippers prayed before facing eviction by authorities wary of losing control over religion. Several worshippers were crying after being told by the landlord that they can’t worship at the ‘Old Story Restaurant’ with walls covered in pictures of Chinese Party leaders shaking hands with former US presidents. The church refused to register with the government, saying its congregation belongs to God alone.

Pray: for Weng and Zhang’s release and for all Chinese church leaders to be strong in the Lord as they face increasing opposition. (2Ch.14:11)


Five ‘underground’ priests from Suiyuan diocese in Inner Mongolia were ‘taken away’ by police on Monday from Erenhot city (near the border with Mongolia). The sources said the priests have no affiliation with the government-sanctioned ‘open’ Church. They were Father Joseph Gao, - diocesan administrator, Fr Joseph Ban, - seminary rector and three parish priests surnamed Ding, Wang and Zhao. They were holding a meeting at a layperson’s home discussing the transfer of parish priests when about 30 policemen and government officials stormed the house and took them away. The officials did not give any explanation for the arrests and other priests and lay leaders have called for prayers for their safe return. The underground community in Suiyuan has led a peaceful existence in recent years with about 30 priests usually living in laypeople’s homes and doing pastoral work secretly. The underground community refers to itself as Suiyuan diocese, covering central and south-western part of Inner Mongolia.

Pray: God’s protection on China’s underground church and for the safe return of the priests. (Ps.5:11)


The days leading up to Easter are always a sombre time for Christians. But this year in Beijing, many believers have the added concern of not knowing if or where they’ll be allowed to celebrate the holiest day of the year on the Christian calendar. Nearly 50 members of one of Beijing’s largest Protestant house churches, including its two pastors, were detained and hundreds of police were deployed in a commercial district in the northwest of the city in order to prevent the congregation from holding an outdoor Palm Sunday service. The leaders of the Shouwang church said they would nonetheless try again next week – Easter Sunday – unless they are given permission to celebrate the Communion service indoors at their usual premises. The church, which has about 1,000 followers, said it was forced to hold the services outside after being evicted from the restaurant where they gathered every Sunday for more than a year. (See also Prayer Alert 14-2011)

Pray: for the many millions of believers across China as they seek to celebrate Easter that they would be blessed to be a blessing. (Ps.145:7)


200+ are reported dead and 12,000+ injured, 1.5 million people have been affected. 130,000 homes have been damaged with 6,000 to 7,000 homes totally collapsed after Saturday’s earthquake in China. It is uncertain how many people are missing. As the days go by, it is likely the death toll and number of injured will rise. Rain and landslides are hampering search and rescue efforts by 6,000 troops. 1,800 miles of road and 327 bridges have been damaged. Power lines are damaged and there are losses of water service to 10,000 residents. Only emergency vehicles are being allowed into Ya’an, although Chengdu airport has reopened. Also this week Bibles for China reported they were hoping to hand out Bibles in the region and are not sure how the destruction will affect their plans. See:

Pray: for all physical, emotional and spiritual resources to be released into the area at this time of pain and loss. (Ps.6:2-4)



Two-hundred Chinese Christians scheduled to participate from 16th to 25th October in a major evangelical gathering in South Africa are not going because the Chinese government has denied them permission to travel to the event. More than 4,000 Christians from around the world will gather for the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization known as Cape Town 2010. The Chinese would have had much to contribute had they been able to share what God has been doing in China in the past 20 years. Lausanne's Executive Chair Doug Birdsall told CBN News in an exclusive interview hours before the launch of the Congress that he was deeply saddened about the decision not to permit the Chinese delegation to participate.

Pray: that in spite of their absence God will build his worldwide Church and speak through the spiritual growth of China. (Mt.16:18)


Authorities in China’s Sichuan province have asked a large house church to stop all its activities, the church's pastor told Radio Free Asia. ‘The authorities have asked us to end our family church congregations, calling our gatherings 'illegal,' said Pastor Li, spiritual head of a 1,500-member house church in Sichuan’s Langzhong city. Li said the government's ‘request’ was sent to the home of a church member, not to the church's meeting place. Chinese authorities have recently increased restrictions on house churches whose total membership estimated to be about 40 million. ‘The severity of the crackdown on family churches varies in different places,’ said Zhang Mingxuan, president of the Chinese Association of Christian Family Churches. ‘In places where there are many family churches, the local government may have a better understanding of them, and officials will be more prudent. But in places where you have only a few believers, local authorities will treat them as an ‘evil cult.’’

Pray: that these moves ordering churches to stop their activities would cease. (Ps.140:4)
