North Korea: UK churches praying

Written by Super User 02 May 2013

God loves North Korea yet few there know of his character. The Church in North Korea exists within a climate of fear and oppression whilst its political leaders teach a religion of self-reliance and isolation from the nations called Juche. Christians in the UK are signing up to pray for North Korea over the next two years with Project Cyrus, an initiative of BMS World Mission. North Korean Christians face imprisonment and torture if their faith is discovered by the authorities. BMS are looking for individuals to intercede for a new freedom in North Korea that allows believers to share the good news of Jesus without persecution. Individuals and churches that sign up will receive free monthly updates, a bookmark and prayer wristband. There are also regular PowerPointsfor church services and prayer meetings.

Pray: that many across the UK will catch God’s compassion and vision for North Korea as they commit to pray regularly for change. (1Tim. 2:1-2)


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