North Korea: Mobile phones = treason

Written by Super User 02 Feb 2012

The new Supreme Leader has clamped down on mobile phone use, declaring any use of a mobile phone during the 100 days of mourning for his father an act of war leading to charges of treason and long prison terms or death. Only a small percentage of the population has mobile phones, those who do own handsets are limited in their calling scope to their economic class. Lowly workers can contact only other lowly workers. The elite are likewise sequestered to their own economic tier. The communications, from low to high, are monitored. One false step in phrasing could earn years of hard labour. The government monitors mobile calls and surfing the Internet so little ‘outside’ news passes through filters for the 400,000 internet users.

Pray: that God would enable western truths and technology to reach North Korea. (Ps.110:2)


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