On Monday President Barack Obama met Nigeria's new leader Muhammadu Buhari and discussed ongoing plans to defeat Boko Haram. Obama praised Buhari's integrity and Buhari claimed to have a very clear agenda in defeating Boko Haram…
Deaf children in the Middle East are neglected because of their impairment. They miss out in family life, education and economic opportunities. Many Muslim parents believe deaf children bring shame to the family. There are an…
Congresswomen and activists demonstrated in front of Mexico's Interior Ministry in Mexico City by lying on the ground, imitating a crime scene, with chalk outlines around their bodies and chanting ‘gender alert in the State of…
Ebola has left 18,000+ children in West Africa without one or both parents. Many are destitute because of the stigma attached to Ebola. One team of charity workers in Liberia found almost 200 children abandoned and…
Stories are breaking of a group linked to IS distributing anti-Christian leaflets in the east of Jerusalem. Part of an English translation of the original leaflet reads, ‘Our people, Muslims, salute your resistance and your jihad…
A report has claimed that residents in Oregon are only now finding out that the state allows teenagers as young as 15 to get state-subsidised sex-change operations without parental notification. ‘It is trespassing on the hearts,…