A heavy monsoon is affecting various parts of Pakistan. Medical check-ups and free drugs are being provided to flood-affected people at medical camps, and ration packs and tents are being distributed. The Army is rescuing people…
Egyptian believers were asked, ‘Have the constitutional changes adopted in 2014 made any difference to you?’ The responses in Cairo were positive where a great deal of security is provided. However outside Cairo people told of…
Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III, head of the largest Catholic community in Syria, says money and weapons given to moderate groups are reputedly being used by IS in the struggle against President Bashar al-Assad. The…
The United States intends creating IS-free corridors in southern and northern Syria, and needs Turkey's cooperation on the northern corridor. The perceived goal is to wedge IS between the two corridors, erode it with air attacks…
Iran’s Christians face persecution daily, and choosing to accept Jesus Christ means living a life of secrecy and constant fear. SAT-7, a Christian satellite television service to the Middle East and North Africa, created ‘God and…
Hindu nationalists have converted 39 people from Dalit Christian families to Hinduism in a controversial ceremony aimed at making them eligible for a government benefits programme. ‘We are moving ahead with our initiative and more families…