Beatings with iron bars and acid burns are used by security forces in Burundi to extract ‘confessions’ and silence dissent, according to an Amnesty International briefing published on Monday. It highlights an increase in the use…
According to the Australian Prayer network, Nepali Christians fear that amendments to the new constitution, likely to come into effect after seven years of parliamentary discussions, could render all Christian activity illegal. Attempting to convert someone…
After official complaints made to Ethiopia’s government about increasing persecution of Christians in Silte (a Muslim-dominated area of southern Ethiopia) surfaced in the media, a district court charged six members of the administrative committee of an…
Christians and Muslims in Egypt flocked to churches and monasteries bearing the name of the Virgin Mary to take part in the festivities of the Assumption, which started on 6 August. Churches across Egypt's governorates held…
The world is failing to give the United Nations the resources it needs to manage the worst refugee crisis in memory. For Palestinians trapped in the ruins of war-ravaged Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, life is…
Alongside all the news this week about Chinese stockmarkets, Global Times tells the story of a wealthy businessman who converted to Christianity. He said that Chinese businessmen who converted to Christianity all had common characteristics -…