When the animated series The Legend of Korra ended its three-season run with the two heroines holding hands and dissolving into a mist – thus making explicit a lesbian love interest that hitherto had only been…
Wildfires are charging through the parched West and forcing people to flee. Some residents had to evacuate their homes twice in recent weeks after blazes exploded in size and changed direction. In Northern California a blaze…
Suicide bombers stormed Qaryatain, paving the way for overnight clashes resulting in IS jihadists finally overwhelming al-Assad regime soldiers on Wednesday morning. Capture of the town allows IS to unify several key areas under its control.…
A private member’s bill to legalise same sex marriage is expected to be presented to Federal Parliament in the week beginning Monday 10 August. In response to this move Christian ministries and organisations are asking Christians…
United Nations human rights experts, the European Union, UK, US and others have expressed concern regarding the detention of over 200 lawyers and activists in China since 10 July. (See Prayer-Alert 15July)On 16 July, five UN…
Last month we reported on a Canadian Church having very little information about their founding pastor, Hyeon Soo Lim, detained in North Korea since early March. On 2 August North Korea released video footage of him…