British Isles
An English evangelical anglican Baroness told 825 Anglican and Episcopal missionaries including three archbishops, 20 bishops and numerous clergy and laity, that resurgent Islamic fundamentalism poses a threat to Western Civilization. Citing Bishop Michael Nazir Ali,…
A school receptionist, Jennie Cain, who sued her employers for religious discrimination after a row over her Christian faith has reached an out-of-court settlement. Mrs Cain, who was suspended for nearly four months last year before…
Senior Church figures are forcing a showdown with the judiciary over an allegation that some of the country’s most senior judges are prejudiced against Christianity. Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury (1991 – 2002) and…
Primark has been forced to withdraw padded bikinis for seven-year-olds after critics condemned the store for fuelling child sexualisation. The Children’s Society slammed the popular high street chain for ‘premature sexualisation and unprincipled advertising’. A child…
The number of babies born weighing just 2lbs has more than doubled in the last two years, causing pro-lifers to reinforce the demand to lower the abortion limit from 24 weeks. Statistics do not disclose at…
The Archbishop of Canterbury has told Anglicans at the Fourth Global South to South Encounter in Singapore that it is only the work of God’s Spirit that can heal tensions within the worldwide Anglican Communion. Dr…