British Isles
Another street preacher in the UK has been arrested for proclaiming Christian teachings about the sinfulness of homosexual behaviour. Dale Mcalpine was handing out leaflets in Workington when he was approached by a police community support…
Police officers have been given the right to take days off to dance naked on the solstices, celebrate fertility rituals and burn Yule logs if they profess pagan beliefs. The Pagan Police Association claimed yesterday that…
Alcohol misuse is a problem among UK troops who have been in Afghanistan and Iraq, but serious mental disorders are not as common as feared, a study says. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) rates are low despite…
The Church of England has expressed concern that the BBC's controversial strategic review could lead to less religious programming. In its submission to the BBC Trust on director general Mark Thompson's strategy review, the Church of…
Clergy in the Church of England are being asked to cut their cloth to suit the economic times and to prepare for mergers and staff cuts that could drastically reduce pastoral care and worship. A report…
A website for young people run by young people has been launched by the Methodist Children and Youth Team. Generous is a safe online space designed to enable young people to discuss and act upon decisions…