British Isles
Christians should not only vote in the forthcoming general election but seek to influence the political system from the inside as party members, local councillors and even MPs, according to a campaign launched on Tuesday. ‘Join…
Please take a moment to sign ‘Westminster 2010’, a declaration of Christian conscience as we approach the General Election endorsed by 35 Christian leaders and launched on Easter Sunday. ‘Westminster 2010’ is aimed to appeal to…
Britain's national faith is being ‘eroded’ by politically-correct individuals seeking to remove religion from society, a Muslim doctor has claimed. Dr Taj Hargey has warned that numerous secularist groups are sidelining Christianity in the country. He…
Servicemen and women are coming to the end of their deployment and are being replaced on a gradual changeover in Afghanistan. This is a vulnerable time for service personnel. Anticipating a safe return, service personnel need…
More than one national election is taking place this year. A campaign is launched today to encourage ‘people with a very big heart’ to stand for election to the General Synod of the Church of England.…
As a precursor to a National Day of Prayer at London’s West Ham Stadium on 13th June 2010, GDOP London is calling every church and Christian in the UK to a season of prayer and fasting…