British Isles
Newspapers should not be allowed to print pictures of women that would not be shown on pre-watershed television an inquiry into press standards was told. Four groups challenged the objectification of women by the media and…
Three bishops will this week lead calls for the Church of England to make a public statement standing up for the right of Christians to wear a cross. They have signed a motion condemning the ‘silencing’…
The Presidents of Churches Together in England (CTE) have heralded 2012 as a ‘year of celebration’. With the Olympic Games and torch relays, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee all on the horizon, they say the four…
Leading philosopher Roger Trigg, a Professor at Kellogg College, Oxford, has warned of an increasing tendency in UK courts to prioritise equality above religion, thereby undermining religious freedom. Professor Trigg, who is the founding President of…
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Dr John Sentamu, the second most senior cleric in the Church of England, tells Ministers they should not overrule the Bible and tradition by allowing same-sex marriage. The Archbishop…
The costs of sexual freedom and relationship breakdown to the taxpayer and wider economy total some £100 billion annually; about twice as much as alcohol abuse, smoking and obesity combined. This is the astounding conclusion of…