Radical police integrity reforms announced

Written by Super User 14 Feb 2013

Theresa May introduced measures to root out police corruption. All officers must declare second jobs they do. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) will expand to investigate all serious complaints. Last year the IPCC investigated only 130 of the 2,100 cases referred to it, the remainder returned to individual police forces to investigate. Nearly a third of these internally-investigated complaints were found to have been mishandled at appeal. The Home Secretary will draw on the resources currently devoted to the internal professional standards departments of individual police forces to provide the increased capacity for the IPCC, and will give the IPCC powers to investigate private sector companies working for the police. Ms May also said she was prepared to consider any further legislative changes requested by the Commission.

Pray: that all investigations into complaints against the police will be just and righteous – may there be a better atmosphere of confidence in our police. (Ps.9:16)

More: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/media-centre/press-releases/1155613


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