Ramadan: A perfect opportunity to share the Gospel

Written by Super User 13 Aug 2010

Two doctors have been killed in Afghanistan, police officers have been bombed in Iraq, and plans for a Muslim centre to go up on Ground Zero are underway all, in the name of Islam. The only way to counteract these kinds of militancy, and more importantly, to save the lives of millions of Muslims is to introduce them to the Gospel. Fouad Masri of Crescent Project says Ramadan is the perfect time. Ramadan is a 30-day observation of fasting and prayer for Muslims around the world. August 11 marked Day One of the celebration for 2010. During Ramadan, many Muslims take time to truly seek out God and truth. ‘This is a time when they're thinking about God and religion,’ explains Masri. He says this makes Ramadan the perfect time to start conversations about Christ. ‘We can come in and share with Muslims the teachings of Jesus, whom many Muslims claim to be one of the prophets.' (See Prayer Alert 3110)

Pray: for God’s intervention into the hearts and minds of Muslims as they pray. (Eph.5:14)

More: http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue10518.html

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