British Isles
One British hotel manager has decided to chuck the Gideon Bibles traditionally stocked in guest rooms for copies of the racy novel ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ by British author E L James. Wayne Bartholomew, General Manager…
Prime Minister David Cameron told MPs on Wednesday that he believes that Christians should have the right to wear a cross at work. See: He also promised to change the law to allow this, if…
Street Pastors are taking to the beach this summer to lend their assistance to night time revellers enjoying the sand and sea. The volunteer network will be walking around the beaches of Whitstable in Kent on…
Cardinal Keith P. O’Brien of St. Andrews and Edinburgh has challenged the Scottish government to hold a nationwide referendum on same-sex 'marriage', following its commitment to schedule a vote for independence, reports Catholic News Agency. ‘Clearly,…
The announcement of yet more defence cuts comes at a time when the Armed Forces are stretched beyond reasonable capacity, with those deployed working round the clock with little down time. The commitments given to our…
The BBC is reporting that Edinburgh City Council in Scotland is to stop holding prayers during its meetings, reports Dan Wooding, Founder of ASSIST Ministries. ‘The local authority will instead introduce a 10-minute ‘Pause for Reflection’…