British Isles
The Association of Christian Financial Advisers (ACFA) has welcomed the Government's decision to investigate payday loans. The Office of Fair Trading is to investigate payday lenders amid claims that they are taking advantage of people in…
Women are being granted abortions after telling doctors their baby is the ‘wrong sex’, a national newspaper undercover investigation has revealed. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has reported the paper’s information to the Police and said carrying…
Churches are struggling to cope with the rise in demand for homeless and housing services. Housing Justice says that churches in its network have reported an increase in the number of people turning to them for…
Parts of British cities are becoming no-go areas where drugs gangs are effectively in control, a United Nations drugs chief said this week. Professor Hamid Ghodse, president of the UN's International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), said…
Following an undercover investigation into abortion by the Daily Telegraph, Nadine Dorries MP has called for a reform of UK abortion law. The investigation uncovered the practice of gender selective abortions in a number of clinics,…
A 57-year-old children's worker who was forced to resign over her desire not to work on Sundays appeared before an employment tribunal on Monday. Celestina Mba worked for over three years at the Brightwell Children's Home…