Displaying items by tag: families

Friday, 30 August 2019 09:57

Building relationships

Most British schools reopen on 2 September. During the holidays, three million children were at risk of hunger. One in five children faced food insecurity, one of the highest rates in Europe, because they were no longer receiving a daily school meal. Because of this, a variety of organisations and churches dotted across the nation have been providing free activities and hot and healthy meals to children and families who would otherwise have gone hungry. They have also been supporting and building relationships with the most vulnerable in our communities. Pray for these relationships to continue to grow after the ‘hunger clubs’ close down. Pray for the church volunteers who now have contact with some of the hidden ones in their communities to continue to give families the loving support that a compassionate church can give. Also, 37% of teachers spot malnutrition when children return to school after the holidays. Please pray for sensitive relationships to be built between families in poverty, teachers, social workers, councils, and other agencies able to support the vulnerable. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:03

We cry over what children say

Over the past three years there has been a 50% increase of pupils aged 11 and under with mental health issues being referred to child health services. Some stay on waiting lists for years before being offered help. Three head teachers told the BBC of the lack of support for disturbed children in their schools where 4 and 5 year-olds self-harm (head-butt, punch walls, pull out chunks of their hair). Nationally, primary school head teachers are reporting a year on year increase of more and more seven and eight-year-old children with a variety of problems and they are finding it harder to manage the acute crisis. Four pupils have attempted to kill themselves on primary school grounds. Please pray for the teachers who are trained to teach, not engage in welfare work or embark on mental health counselling. Pray for the NHS to hear this cry from Educators and act now before the current support system breaks down. See also article in World section – Global Mental Health of the young and BBC report .

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 July 2019 11:00

Operation Limelight

Radio 4 reported that police and border control are once again going to run Operation Limelight at major airports to prevent children being taken abroad for female genital mutilation (FGM) or arranged marriages. Officers will be speaking to airline and airport personnel to raise awareness, and advise what signs to look for on outbound flights to countries where FGM and child marriage are prevalent. In school holidays families take girls abroad. The girls believe they are going on a family holiday and are unaware of what is about to happen to them. Research shows that 90% of police, health and social care professionals have not received training around these issues and did not feel confident in managing the safeguarding aspect of FGM or how to address cultural sensitivity and barriers.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 April 2019 15:46

Nigeria: five years since Chibok girls taken

Five years ago, 230 girls were abducted in Chibok by Boko Haram. Parents whose daughters have not yet returned say it still feels like a ‘fresh wound’ but refuse to give up hope. Boko Haram set classrooms ablaze and told the girls they were under attack while they pretended to protect them. They herded them into trucks, drove into the forest and subjected them to rape, pregnancy, violence, and death. Those who did not obey militants or refused to renounce their Christian faith were punished severely; there are suggestions that some of them were forced to become Boko Haram fighters and commit murders for the group. 165 of the girls belonged to the Nigerian Church of the Brethren. Pray for parents like Yana, whose daughter has not returned. ‘Any time I speak about Rifkatu, I feel so much pain in my heart’, she said. ‘When she was kidnapped, laughter ceased in my house.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 November 2018 23:25

Jordan: decline in fertility desire

49% of Jordanian mothers do not want to give birth again, according to a survey of 19,000+ households. The study results were shared on Facebook, generating mixed reactions. While some raised concern on feminist issues, most comments took a financial turn. More than often, men and women agreed that ‘the challenging financial situation’ is enough of a reason to stop them from having more than two children. Pray for these mothers to find the means to provide for their children (Mark 7:27). We can praise God for parents who have the heart to protect and keep them safe. Pray also that all children will receive help and assistance for their education.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 03 August 2018 10:17

Intercessor Focus: Christian holidays

Across the country youth workers and church members will be running holiday clubs this summer. Pray for energy and innovation for all the leaders; for peace to permeate each activity, regardless of any unforeseen pressures; for safety for all and for incredible relationship-building across the age ranges; for all the different holiday club material to be used wisely; and for God to anoint with power those who are gifted in storytelling, leading music, dance, arts, crafts, games and creative teaching. May thousands of young people recognise God's love for them this summer and respond to His call on their lives. Pray for the Church to impact not just the children but whole communities, as families are inspired through outdoor Christian celebrations, church fetes, and parties. Pray also for all the many week-long Christian mission retreats, Bible weeks and camping events. May millions of lives be challenged and changed this summer.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 September 2017 10:23

Parents do not understand tax-free childcare

A survey of 17,000 parents suggests that over 60% are 'unprepared' for the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare scheme (TFC). By 16 August, 108,000 parents had successfully signed up to TFC. This compares with over 780,000 parents currently using childcare vouchers. 98% of parents said they would like access to childcare vouchers to be kept open alongside TFC. As of April next year, childcare vouchers will be closed to new entrants. In light of the findings, there are renewed calls for the Government to revise plans to close access to vouchers. Also, over 3,000 childcare providers found that 48% of parents had either not heard of TFC or didn’t feel ‘well-informed’ about the scheme. 20% of those who had registered had experienced issues about receiving payments in a ‘timely manner'.

Published in British Isles

The health watchdog is looking into claims that women are being offered free IVF treatment if they give away half of their healthy eggs. Undercover reporters from the Daily Mail went to one clinic, and recorded a consultant talking about how thousands of pounds change hands for donated eggs. In one recording a nurse says, 'It's just like giving blood.' The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) says donations are supposed to be voluntary and unpaid. Dr Trevor Stammers is a Christian medical ethics expert and a former GP. He is also a lecturer at St Mary's University in Twickenham in London. He said the HFEA needs to act. ‘This story is extremely sad, disturbing but actually not surprising. Fertility treatment is extremely costly and women seeking it are very vulnerable, so the power of a doctor to persuade a woman to donate eggs for others is extremely powerful.’ He added that the HFEA needs a radical overhaul and more funding.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 05 May 2017 10:46

USA: youth suicides and Netflix series

‘13 Reasons Why’ is one of the most talked-about shows on Netflix. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is urging Christian parents of teens and church youth ministry leaders to engage in online conversations which explore the questions raised by the series, which follows the story of Hannah who takes her own life after a series of traumatic experiences. Moore said that while he wouldn't want his own children watching it, he believes the controversy surrounding the show might bring some grace-filled moments. ‘If the series shows anything, it is that there are multiple reasons behind the darkness leading to suicide. Maybe this controversy will prompt friends, parents and youth ministers to talk about suicide and give signals to those in trouble that they are not alone and won't be judged if they come forward and seek help.’ For the scale of youth suicides in the USA go to:

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 13 April 2017 17:00

Transform the world with Jesus

This Easter and over the coming months there will be many outreach services, and conferences to encourage the people of God to move on in their faith. Jesus said that one day every nation would not only hear the gospel but be transformed by it. Spring Harvest, New Wine, Hillsong, Creationfest, Newday, Big Church Day Out and Soul Survivor are just a few of the many events happening in showgrounds, churches, country estates, and campsites this year. Pray for every event to be full to overflowing, for God to expand people’s vision of the scope of the gospel, and for renewed and empowered people to leave the events and shine the light of Christ into every area of the lives of those in their communities. Pray for millions of new Christians to be birthed this year across our nation.

Published in British Isles
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