USA: youth suicides and Netflix series

Written by David Fletcher 05 May 2017
USA: youth suicides and Netflix series

‘13 Reasons Why’ is one of the most talked-about shows on Netflix. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is urging Christian parents of teens and church youth ministry leaders to engage in online conversations which explore the questions raised by the series, which follows the story of Hannah who takes her own life after a series of traumatic experiences. Moore said that while he wouldn't want his own children watching it, he believes the controversy surrounding the show might bring some grace-filled moments. ‘If the series shows anything, it is that there are multiple reasons behind the darkness leading to suicide. Maybe this controversy will prompt friends, parents and youth ministers to talk about suicide and give signals to those in trouble that they are not alone and won't be judged if they come forward and seek help.’ For the scale of youth suicides in the USA go to:

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