Displaying items by tag: Education

Following ongoing Pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have taken place at university and other campuses nationwide, the Universities of Nottingham and Birmingham have secured court orders to end student protests occupying campus areas. The High Court's orders ruled in favour of the universities, determining the students were trespassing and suggesting alternative protest methods. The protests, part of a broader movement across British universities, accuse institutions of being complicit in Palestinian casualties and call for divestment from arms firms. In Birmingham, Mariyah Ali, a named defendant, expressed disappointment but remains committed to her cause, considering an appeal. In Nottingham, former student River Butterworth faced legal action. Mr Justice Johnson concluded that the protesters had no substantial case against the universities and that their human rights were not infringed. The London School of Economics had similarly barred encampments in May.

Published in British Isles

Louisiana has become the first US state to order all classrooms, from elementary to university level, to display a poster of the Ten Commandments. The Republican-backed measure describes the commandments as foundational to state and national government. The law is expected to face challenges from civil rights groups, who will argue that it violates the First Amendment, which prohibits government establishment of religion. The commandments must be in large, readable font, next to a ‘context statement’ about their historical role in American education. There have been numerous legal battles over the display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings, including schools, courthouses and police stations. In the past, the Supreme Court has struck down similar laws, ruling that displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools lacked a secular legislative purpose and was inherently religious.

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A recent report highlights that more than half of UK students are working long hours in paid jobs to support themselves through their studies. 55% of students work an average of 17 hours per week. Some work over 35 hours, impacting their academic performance and mental health. Rising living costs and insufficient student loans are primary reasons for this trend. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds are disproportionately affected, often having to choose between work and study. Many students report feeling stressed and fatigued, which affects their ability to focus on their coursework. The report calls for increased financial support for students and better job flexibility from employers to accommodate their academic commitments. These findings underscore the need for a systemic approach to address the financial pressures faced by students in higher education.

Published in British Isles

Heavy rains have flooded schools in Somalia's central Hiran region, forcing over 37,000 students out of school. The flooding has damaged learning materials and classrooms, displacing many students to distant locations and complicating efforts to resume education. Parents fear the disruption will negatively affect their children's performance in upcoming national exams, and local teachers are concerned about the long-term impact on education. Parents are urging the government to establish schools on higher grounds to avoid future disruptions. Last year, the government organised special exams after similar flooding incidents. Officials say they are committed to ensuring students can participate in exams despite the current challenges.

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The headteacher of Britain's 'strictest school', questioning the £150,000 legal aid received by a Muslim pupil to fight a prayer ban case, is concerned about potential further legal action. The High Court dismissed the student's claim against Michaela Community School's prayer policy, ruling it didn't infringe on her religious freedom. Katharine Birbalsingh has emphasised the school's values and highlighted parental choice in attending the school. The pupil, supported by her mother, expressed disappointment but affirmed her decision to challenge the ban. Government officials and secular campaigners welcomed the ruling, stressing the autonomy of schools in balancing diverse interests. The judgement also prompted calls for national guidance on religious practices in schools. The legal battle has taken a toll on the school, but its commitment to maintaining a stable learning environment remains steadfast.

Published in British Isles

Downing Street is considering plans to allow faith schools in England to select all pupils based on religion, repealing a 2010 cap. This cap requires faith-based free schools and academies to allocate half their places without considering applicants' faith, mainly in oversubscribed areas. The proposal to lift it, popular among many Conservative MPs, faces opposition from secular groups and educationalists. High-level discussions involve key figures like Will Tanner and James Nation, indicating the move could feature in the Conservative Party’s next manifesto or be enacted before the next general election. Education secretary Gillian Keegan supports the repeal, which particularly impacts Catholic schools. The policy was originally a compromise with the Liberal Democrats to support the free schools programme and prevent the rise of hardline religious schools. Conservative proponents argue that the cap has limited the growth of faith schools, especially Catholic ones.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2024 22:45

Pupil behaviour getting worse, say teachers

A BBC-commissioned survey reveals a worrying trend in England's schools. Nearly one in five teachers experienced physical aggression from pupils this year. Incidents of spitting, swearing, and chair-throwing are increasingly common, with a rise in pupil violence and abuse since the Covid pandemic. Teachers like Lorraine Meah, with 35 years of experience, have observed a deterioration in student behaviour, especially among younger children. In response, schools like St John Fisher Catholic Academy in West Yorkshire are implementing strict behaviour policies, including rewards for good attendance, restricted corridor access, and banning mobile phones. The survey found that 30% of teachers witnessed pupil fighting, and 15% of secondary teachers experienced sexual harassment from students. Patrick Roach of the NASUWT union has said the rise in violence has been exacerbated by cuts to specialist behaviour and mental health services. The DfE is taking measures to improve pupil behaviour, including expanding mental health and wellbeing programmes.

Published in British Isles

The Department for Education has issued new guidelines prohibiting children from attending protests during school hours, following accusations that teachers allowed pupils to skip lessons for pro-Palestine rallies. Thousands of students participated in demonstrations against the war in Gaza in November, organised by the Stop the War Coalition (SWC). The Government's guidance, effective from August, explicitly states that leave of absence should not be granted for protest activities during school hours. SWC criticised the new rules as an attack on students' democratic right to protest. However, the Association of School and College Leaders expressed the view that pupils should not miss school for protests but recognised that they might well feel very strongly about the cause about which they are protesting: ‘We feel that these are matters that are best left to the discretion of schools.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 22 February 2024 21:15

Schools given new guidance on curbing phone use

The Government has issued new guidelines aimed at curbing mobile phone use in schools to improve behaviour and minimise disruptions. The move follows previous calls for phone bans. Education secretary Gillian Keegan emphasised the need for consistency across schools but hinted at potential legislation if the guidelines prove ineffective. While some students see benefits in limited phone access, the Association of School and College Leaders doubts the effectiveness of the guidelines, considering existing school policies. Critics argue that the Government should focus on more pressing issues, such as funding and special needs. The announcement coincides with calls for tighter regulations on children's social media access following a tragic incident. However, the Government remains cautious about restricting phone access for under-16s. Despite differing school policies across the UK, complete phone bans are rare, and the UN has highlighted global concerns about phones' negative impacts on education.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 December 2023 21:24

USA: college heads testify on rising antisemitism

The heads of three top US colleges, including Harvard's president Claudine Gay, have testified before the House of Representatives in response to accusations that their institutions were not doing enough to combat antisemitism on campus. Jewish students at these universities had reported facing antisemitic threats and assaults, particularly due to the conflict in Gaza. The college leaders acknowledged the rising tide of antisemitism and Islamophobia on campuses but highlighted the challenge of balancing freedom of speech and protest with protecting students from hate. A recent survey found that nearly 75% of Jewish college students had experienced some form of antisemitism during the school year. Muslim and pro-Palestinian students also faced challenges, with instances of doxxing (public identification of people without their consent) and bias incidents reported. The House committee questioned the colleges' response to these issues.

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