‘The best defence against a possible surprise attack by Russia would be NATO units already based in countries on a scale sufficient to prevent Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from being overrun’, writes Martin Hurt, Deputy Director…
A Danish pastor tended to confront head-on the growing number of New Age adherents and seekers in his country, without much success. Despite his obvious heart for the lost he was met by suspicion, mistrust, and…
The chamber of commerce of Usti nad Labem, a town of 93,000 in northern Bohemia, has called for the army to be deployed on the town’s streets to help it deal with problems caused by Roma…
‘Negotiations to settle Cyprus's division are starting to show some progress , Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said in an upbeat assessment on ending one of Europe's most enduring conflicts. Mr Anastasiades, who represents the Greek Cypriot…
Sandra, a 23-year-old Syrian refugee has lived in Croatia for nearly two years. She has done her best to integrate into her host country - learning Croatian and attending university in Zagreb. Still she feels like…
A Marine Corps unit equipped with tanks, light armoured vehicles and artillery will be sent to Bulgaria as part of US efforts to reassure NATO allies worried by Russia’s involvement in Ukraine. Brigadier-General Norman Cooling, the…