Sweden: Under the weight of many thousands of refugees

Written by Linda Digby 19 Feb 2016
Sweden: Under the weight of many thousands of refugees

A Swedish Christian writes, ‘Sweden has always wanted to have a generous immigration policy and grant asylum to all who need it. Therefore, many refugees have entered Sweden during the current wave. In 2015 there were 163,000 seeking asylum - a huge number for a nation with less than 10 million people and far more per capita than any other EU country. Therefore, the infrastructure finds it very difficult to cope with the demands for accommodation, handling of applications, schooling in Swedish and otherwise, health care, validation of professionals and helping people to find a job. The result is a long frustrating wait of up to two years for the outcome of an application and a rise of violence both inside and outside of asylum accommodation. Outside extremist groups/individuals opposed to the influx of refugees have been setting fire to asylum accommodation. Many incidents are also reported of Christian refugees being attacked and threatened. The churches are taking up the challenge and do a lot to help, for example making friends, teaching Swedish, arranging activities.’

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  • Pray: for the authorities to set wise policies; for the violence to be curbed; for everybody to accept each other, living side by side in peace. Pray also for all those who work extremely hard to make everything work. (Ps.31:6,7a)