Germany: Freedom to speak

Written by Linda Digby 19 Feb 2016
Germany: Freedom to speak

Intercessors in Germany write, ‘Since the Paris massacre, Istanbul attack and assaults in Cologne, feelings of unease and fear have intensified. Also, we now know that certain information was purposely withheld by official sources to avoid causing civil unrest in Cologne. Truth only came to light through unnamed police officers who revealed there was a ‘gag order’ to prevent the release of information about crimes committed by migrants. There was a one-sided reporting strategy by the media and politicians to steer the public into thinking they were being fully informed. But the ‘public’ is now being informed from other sources and see through the veil of propaganda. They protested with anger. Many said nothing so as not to be accused of being right-wing extremists. But Christians do not have a spirit of fear but of power and confidence. This word also means ‘freedom to speak’. Whoever is confident also speaks freely, without giving in to fear before God and mankind.'

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