Attacks, epidemics and migrants redraw tourism map

Written by David Fletcher 12 Feb 2016
Attacks, epidemics and migrants redraw tourism map

The world's tourism map is being redrawn as holiday-makers switch preferences, prompted by terror attacks and migrant crises in some European countries. Euromonitor research said they expect countries such as Greece, Portugal and Spain to benefit considerably from the situation, offering similar weather and security. However, the sudden surge in demand is leading to higher prices in these destinations. ‘Hotel owners tell clients, “Instead of charging 50 euros per double room, I'm going to charge 55. Take it or leave it: if you don't want it, others will”', said Olivier Petit at the ‘In Extenso’ firm. The migrant crisis has also taken a heavy toll on Greek islands, once a very safe bet for operators, but where masses of refugees have landed, scaring tourists. ‘The Greek islands, especially Kos, have been severely damaged, as holiday-makers feel uneasy about the situation,’ according to Euromonitor’s data.

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