Germany: police and internal security

Written by David Fletcher 29 Jan 2016
Germany: police and internal security

240,000 police take care of the internal security of Germany, upholding public order and playing an important role in maintaining the trust of citizens and ensuring their safety. The influx of large numbers of refugees presents a huge challenge for the police and calls for much sensitivity and intuition. They quickly come under criticism and seldom get recognition for their service. They are exposed daily to attacks and are themselves frequently victims of crime. There is an increasing lack of respect from the public. Criticising the state and complaining about officials is now perfectly acceptable in social circles. Because of the shortage of personnel the police cannot always adequately respond to demands. Consequently danger is rising in cities and crime goes unpunished with a state of lawlessness. Upholding the law is a major challenge. Every loss of control leads to public unease. Please pray for respect for the police, and for their work to be restored. (2Pe.2:9-10)

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