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Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:29

On 30th June Churches across Canada will enter into their 7th annual ‘Government Prayer Sunday’ and unite in intercession for their government, their Christian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the provinces. A number of the provinces have become battlegrounds needing national and international prayer support. Manitoba has proposed anti-bullying legislation, Ontario has radical sex-education and Quebec has euthanasia legislation and the proposed Charter of Secularism. June is when the big ‘Pride’ marches occur in Vancouver and Toronto. We are asked to pray for the love of God to be revealed to the Gay/Lesbian community. May the Canadian Church respond with bold love while holding to the biblical position of sexuality. Pray also for First Peoples' Leaders to have wisdom, grace and protection. Pray also for the Church to have a garment of praise settle upon them and for new strength and anointing as they lift the name of Jesus over every region on the 30th.

Pray: For the Lord's presence in all government decisions, pray also for the Canadian Church to experience a fresh level of unity in prayer and declaration. (Ps.18:13-14)

More: http://nhop.ca/government-prayer-sunday/

Friday, 19 July 2013 13:53

Government:-The recent federal cabinet shuffle has put new faces in senior levels. Please pray into this change - asking God to use it to shift government tone and direction toward righteousness. Immorality:- Canada was the first country outside Europe to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. In 2003 the ordination of a gay man, Gene Robinson as the Bishop of New Hampshire created a split in the 72 million-strong Anglican Communion which remains unresolved. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada accepts gay clergy. Pray immorality would be cleansed from God’s Church - no matter how deep the darkness, Jesus saves and delivers. Outreach:- Pray for more ministry outside the Church walls with the love and power of the Holy Spirit. Unity:- Recently there has been beachheads established for unity in the Church; let's pray for these to strengthen and for a new level of grace for unity throughout the Canadian Church.

Pray: that the government and church of Canada would be blessed by God’s direction and protection. (Ps.33:12

More: http://www.ears2hear.ca/en/


Tuesday, 18 May 2010 17:50

‘No woman should be threatened, intimidated or pressured into aborting a child against her will. Not in a nation such as ours that values life and human rights.’ The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has announced that they are endorsing Bill C-510 the proposed legislation that would criminalize the coercion of pregnant women to obtain abortions. The bill was introduced last Wednesday by Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge would ensure that pregnant women who choose to carry their child to term will have that decision respected and protected. This is a bill that, while not addressing the legality of abortion in any way, will make it a criminal offence to coerce a woman into an unwanted abortion. Bruinooge has named his bill ‘Roxanne's Law’ after Roxanne Fernando whose boyfriend attempted to coerce her to have an abortion. She refused to have the unborn child killed and was beaten and left to die in a snow bank.

Pray: the Canadian government and society to have God’s thoughts and support programs and resources protecting unborn children and their mothers. (Ps.139:16)

More: http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2010/apr/10042008.html

Friday, 06 December 2013 12:29

In November Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan called for Cameroon’s support in combating Boko Haram. The two countries share a 1600 km border, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the South to Lake Chad in the North. Then on November 15-17, a number of incidents took place along the border. Local sources contacted by World Watch Monitor say dozens of properties, including Ewy church in Tourou (in Cameroon) were attacked while at least one church was set ablaze and destroyed on the Nigerian side of Ashigashia. At least four people were killed and many others wounded and transferred to health centres. Despite the reinforcement of security forces in the area, villagers fear continued attacks from Islamist militants from Nigeria who now consider Cameroon their second home. Northern Cameroon is a vast semi-desert area composed of three provinces (Adamawa, North and Far North), bordered by Nigeria to the West, Chad to the Northeast and Central African Republic to the West.

Pray: for governments to strategically contain the spread of terrorism. (Jer.8:15)


More: http://www.worldwatchmonitor.org/

Thursday, 02 February 2012 11:54

The handwritten threat from a group identifying itself as Boko Haram was put under the door of a church leader’s house earlier this month. It called on all Christian converts to return to Islam or face the wrath of the god of Islam. A few days later, two turbaned men arrived by motorcycle at the church leader’s house one night while he was away. One entered the house and ordered the man’s wife and children to lie face down on the ground. He asked where the church leader was and then searched the house. The intruder told the wife to tell her husband that they would get him no matter where he was hiding. After this distressing incident, the family fled the village, and the other converts have gone into hiding. Another Christian leader, who has been trying to inform church leaders about the militants’ threat, also had his house searched at night.

Pray: that God will strengthen and extend His arms of protection over His people and confuse their enemies. (Ps.5:11)

More: http://www.barnabasfund.org/UK/News/News-analysis/Christian-converts-in-Cameroon-under-threat-from-militant-Islamists.html

Saturday, 09 October 2010 06:47

We have received the following prayer request from Cambodia. 1) ‘There is a Festival from October 6 to 8 when the king and the government bow under the Buddhist monks leading the religious rites. 2). Mission Kampuchea 2021 is a church planting movement with a vision to planting one church in every one of the 14,000 villages in Cambodia. Please pray for more churches to catch the church planting vision and release workers for training. 3) More than 60% of the population is under 18 and the youth prayer movement grew from a few people in 2005 to 250,000 now. The challenge of this movement is finding churches big enough for monthly gatherings. 4) 85% of the population live in the provinces where there is a lack of quality teachers. Students in the provinces score are lower in their achievement after high school.

Pray: for God’s provision and anointing as the young church and youth movement in Cambodia grow and for Buddhist rituals to become less significant. (Mt.16:18)

Source Sensitive

Friday, 26 November 2010 17:01

Hundreds died and hundreds more were injured in a stampede at water festival celebrations in Phnom Penh. 339 people have been confirmed dead and 329 injured. The Prime Minister said, ‘This needs to be investigated more, it is the biggest tragedy since the Pol Pot regime,’ There will be a national day of mourning on Thursday. Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith said the stampede happened because ‘one million people’, many of whom were leaving, became ‘scared of something.’ In October at a Christian conference the Lord said there would be a shaking of the region and many Christians in Cambodia believe the latest tragic disaster at the annual water festival is one more shaking that is taking place.

Pray: that tcause will be found and that the 'shaking' will bring many into the Kingdom.

More: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/index.php/2010112244892/National-news/hundreds-die-in-tragic-end-to-water-festival.html

Thursday, 10 May 2012 13:28

The World Prayer Assembly is a response to God’s movement of prayer around the world. While the WPA will serve as a catalyst for the growth of this movement, we believe that prayer for the WPA and those who are involved in the planning process is absolutely essential. Please join with us in prayer for the World Prayer Assembly as teams work together in several critical areas. We must be united in prayer for the WPA if we are to see God do what only He can do. Keep in mind that the WPA is intended to be a 'new paradigm' 'for an international congress, carried out in Acts 13 style, incorporating listening to God, uniting in prayer and seeking to implement strategically the world-impacting actions that proceed out of our encounter with the Lord and one another.

Pray: that the Holy Spirit will bring unity as the intercessors and delegates seek God to let a ‘New Wave’ of His Glory Fill the Earth! (Jn.17:20)

More: http://www.wpa2012.org/content/call_to_prayer


Thursday, 10 May 2012 13:29

Amid global euphoria over reforms in Burman-majority parts of Burma, life has changed little for more than 3 million Christians and other minorities left to suffer from one of the world’s longest running civil wars. Headlines around the world hailed the induction on Wednesday (May 2) of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi into parliament as the beginning of a new era in Burma, officially known as Myanmar. But for the 150,000 Internally Displaced People (IDP) living in eastern Karen state’s 4,000 IDP camps, life is still about landmine blasts, gun and mortar attacks, and the possibility of a final war between armed insurgents and the Burma army. Burmese President Thein Sein, a former military general, has introduced political reforms – the release of hundreds of political prisoners, new laws allowing labour unions and strikes and a gradual easing of media restrictions – and has reportedly ordered troops to stop offensive in ethnic areas, but senior military officials have not heeded his orders.

Pray: that the President’s instructions would be obeyed by the military authorities in respect of the Karen people. (Mt.8:9)

More: http://www.opendoorsuk.org/news/stories/index.php?newsitem=0&date=04may2012

Monday, 28 November 2011 21:59

CSW reported Burma's ethnic people are being neglected, highlighting regular use of rape, forced labour, religious persecution, torture and killings in Kachin State where the Army has been waging an offensive against ethnic civilians since breaking a 17-year ceasefire in June. The pastor of a Baptist Church was arrested at 3pm on Nov. 17th while in a store speaking on the phone. Local sources say no reasons were given for his arrest and his whereabouts are unknown. A mother of a 14-month old baby was captured by the Army and forced to work as a porter. She is believed to be held in a camp and repeatedly gang-raped. The Army commander promised her family she would be released by Nov. 2nd but she was not released. An assistant to the pastor of an AoG church died on Nov. 7th a day after severe torture when soldiers attacked and looted the church.

Pray: for the Burmese regime to stop attacking its citizens, and begin a process that will secure peace and protect human rights. (Pr.18:4-5)

More: http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue14628.html