Eritrea: End of year purge of Christians

Written by Super User 26 Nov 2010

Security forces in Eritrea have begun a vigorous clampdown on Christians in the run-up to Christmas. The discovery of details on the underground church enabled security forces to hunt down all believers and their families. About 40 people have been detained with the hunt for others continuing. Among those arrested are a young couple who had been caring for the weak and destitute in their area; they were forced to leave their one-year-old son behind. Between 2,000 and 3,000 Christians are in prison for their faith. They are held indefinitely in appalling conditions designed to force them to recant their faith, with no formal charge or trial. They are starved, deprived of medical attention, subjected to beatings, horrific torture or imprisoned in metal shipping containers, which are baking hot during the day and freezing at night.

Pray: for God to give the underground Church His protection and wisdom as they continue their walk with Jesus Christ. (Ge.28:15)


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