Eritrea: Church raids

Written by Super User 22 Feb 2011

Two Christians are reported to have died in separate Eritrean prisons after being refused medical treatment amid a renewed crackdown by the authorities against unregistered churches. One of the martyrs was a 27-year-old woman arrested for reading a Bible in her bedroom. A new wave of raids has seen over 100 Christians detained. Forty one people from Asmara were jailed and are said to have endured beatings. The following day, 27 believers from various underground churches near Asmara were rounded up by the security forces. In January thirty five Christians including fifteen women and two elderly men in poor health were seized from a house church gathering in Nakfa. This onslaught on Eritrean Christians began around the time of the Tunisian uprising. Observers believe current disorder in North Africa and the Middle East may prompt President Isaias to tighten his grip on power leading to an even more severe persecution of unregistered Protestant Christian groups

Pray: the thousands imprisoned without trial would know Gods presence, and the Northern unrest would not exacerbate Eritrean Christian’s conditions. (Ps.20:1)


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