Eritrea: Major crackdown on Christians

Written by Super User 03 Feb 2011

Over 100 Christians have been detained since December 30th in raids on churches in or near Asmara, and the town of Nakfa. In one case the entire congregation was taken in for questioning. The director of Release Eritrea, predicted an escalation in persecution in November and her fears are being realised. The church was further shaken by news of Seble Hagos Mebrahtu dying in custody because she was refused medical treatment for malaria. She was tortured for reading a Bible at her home. Open Doors reports an entire congregation of 41 were arrested and beaten on December 31, and 35 believers, including two elderly men in poor health, were arrested on January 9 while worshipping at a private address. It is not yet known whether these believers have been released. Also 27 Christians belonging to various churches were arrested and are still being held by police. President Isaias Afewerki said 'religious groups sought to ‘distract from the unity of the Eritrean people and distort the true meaning of religion.’

Pray: for God to set Eritrea free from deception and to be released into faith in Jesus Christ. (Lk.4:18)


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