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Displaying items by tag: success

Friday, 17 June 2022 10:35

Predators caught and convicted

Praise God for the conviction of an Australian man who was found guilty of online sexual exploitation of children. He has been sentenced to 14.5 years in jail after paying almost a half a million dollars to exploit Filipino children sexually online. Please continue to pray for the fifteen victims rescued in this case, and that his conviction will bring them peace and comfort as they continue the road of healing. Meanwhile in India, a sex trafficker was sentenced to seven years in prison for exploiting women and girls, and a brothel was permanently closed in Mumbai, releasing the survivors of sex trafficking who are now receiving rehabilitation at an aftercare shelter.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 December 2021 21:18

IJM success

Praise God for a recent conviction in a South Asia sex trafficking case from 2015. The International Justice Mission supported local authorities after they rescued a minor girl and arrested a trafficker. The police, judge and prosecutors were all sensitive to the victim throughout the trial and remained focused on securing justice - leading to a strong ten-year sentence. IJM said, ‘We are so grateful for compassionate authorities helping protect thousands of girls from being abused’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 November 2021 22:04

Youth mission trip saves a witchdoctor

Pastor Brant Cole took a team of teenagers to their sister church in Haiti. The night before they were to leave, Brant felt there was still something left that God wanted to do. As they drove through a village he saw a woman and stopped the truck; he needed to tell her about Jesus. The woman said she couldn’t receive Jesus; she was indebted to the devil. They told her repeatedly, ‘Christ died to take away every debt and sin in our past.’ Surprisingly, she invited them to her house. After sharing the gospel with her more fully, the power of the Word and Spirit burst into her and she was born again. Later, they discovered she was the local witchdoctor. Other Christians had witnessed the love of God to her for years, but she had refused. Then God brought a little team of willing teenagers from a distant land and created a miracle.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:33

Answered prayer - 2

Recently you prayed for eighty women on a spiritual retreat. Today we received this message: ‘The Lord answered your prayers abundantly! Thank you for praying for the many ladies suffering persecution from their families for their faith in Christ. This retreat gave them hope and allowed them to worship freely. One woman, overwhelmed with thankfulness, said her faith is growing and she looks forward to sharing Christ with others. Another woman, in tears, said, “The retreat taught me what it is like to be loved and valued by God and others”. Time and time again we see broken, weary, fearful attendees who have experienced suffering, trauma, and loss. But through God’s grace and power, after just a few days, a distinct, palpable transformation occurs. Hope-filled smiles and laughter, healing of past wounds, restoration of soul and spirit.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 03 December 2020 20:02

India: fighting malaria

India has made ’impressive gains’ in its fight against malaria. The number of cases and deaths caused by the mosquito-borne disease has seen a marked drop, according to the WHO. From nearly 20 million cases in 2000, there were just 5.6 million in 2019. In the past two years India has reduced cases by 18% and deaths by 20%. Malaria is now limited to some hilly parts of India, with most of the districts able to reduce it to almost nil. While nearly a billion Indians live in malaria-endemic areas, 80% of cases are reported by just 20% of the population living in the forest-fringe, tribal, and foothills hard-to-reach areas of the country. The people in these places have low awareness of disease prevention and access to health care. India’s prime minister has pledged to eradicate malaria by 2030.

Published in Worldwide

Rejoice that during lockdown IJM Philippines has assisted local police on 16 online sexual exploitation rescue operations, bringing to safety 57 children and vulnerable adults, including a three-month-old baby, and seeing eight suspects arrested. In South Asia IJM had another successful rescue operation at a construction site. Officials filed all the necessary police reports within 24 hours - a huge moment of progress demonstrating their knowledge and political will. IJM were also blessed to see the survivors get their release certificates and other entitlements quickly so that they could return home swiftly. Pray for their ongoing recovery back at home, especially in the disorienting first few weeks of freedom.

Published in Praise Reports