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Displaying items by tag: answered prayer

Friday, 23 June 2023 10:43

Birmingham: giant prayer wall

Christians of all denominations gathered on the outskirts of Birmingham to bless the land on which a giant prayer monument will be built. The construction of the 169-feet tall Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer will begin soon and when completed will be the largest Christian monument in the world. It will be in the form of an endless loop, containing the text of the prayers of millions of people around the world which have been answered. About 300 people attended the consecration of the land. The monument’s founder, Richard Gamble, said, ‘The blessing of the land ensures that it is built on a sacred foundation of prayer and gratitude. This iconic monument, dedicated to the power of prayer, showcases an endless global database of stories that Jesus answered, making hope visible to future generations.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:41

God heals an incurable cancer

Mikhaila’s mother had a rare cancer. The death rate was 100%. Three surgeries failed. A lady who visited her hospital prayed with her, offering hope, and her demeanour changed. She let go of the control she tried to have over the cancer. She was being tube-fed and her faith took over. ‘I’ll be better by our anniversary next month.’ she declared. Mikhaila thought the optimism was due to the morphine. But, a month later, she was better. The 100% cancer fatality rate changed by 100%. No doctor could account for her recovery. Mikhaila and mum discussed the healing proclamation. ‘That’s a weird day and you said it was going to happen a month ago.’ Mikhaila said. ‘How is that possible?’ ‘God’, Mum replied nonchalantly.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 25 November 2021 21:39

Sudan: answered prayer - coup ended

On 28 October you prayed for Sudan to find a workable political system so that coups and coup attempts cease. On 21 November Sudan's ousted prime minister Abdalla Hamdok was reinstated and released from house arrest. All political detainees were also released as part of a new agreement between the military, civilian leaders and ex-rebel groups. The coup had sparked weeks of mass protests with many deaths. Mr Hamdok agreed to the terms to avoid further bloodshed. The group of mediators, which included academics, journalists and politicians, released a statement outlining the terms of the agreement, which said the rules governing the transition towards democracy would be restored.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 November 2021 22:33

Answered prayer - 2

Recently you prayed for eighty women on a spiritual retreat. Today we received this message: ‘The Lord answered your prayers abundantly! Thank you for praying for the many ladies suffering persecution from their families for their faith in Christ. This retreat gave them hope and allowed them to worship freely. One woman, overwhelmed with thankfulness, said her faith is growing and she looks forward to sharing Christ with others. Another woman, in tears, said, “The retreat taught me what it is like to be loved and valued by God and others”. Time and time again we see broken, weary, fearful attendees who have experienced suffering, trauma, and loss. But through God’s grace and power, after just a few days, a distinct, palpable transformation occurs. Hope-filled smiles and laughter, healing of past wounds, restoration of soul and spirit.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 16 September 2021 21:59

Answered prayer

On 10 September Prayer Alert reported that government ministers were rejecting Scientists recommendations of Covid jabs for 12- to 15-year-olds. You prayed for the Government to change its mind and step in so that pupils got what was needed according to God’s plans for them (Jeremiah 29:11). On 14 September the Government announced that a Covid jab rollout will start in schools in England. Although they are deemed at very low risk from the disease, factors such as disruption to education tipped the balance.

Published in Praise Reports

Rejoice that during lockdown IJM Philippines has assisted local police on 16 online sexual exploitation rescue operations, bringing to safety 57 children and vulnerable adults, including a three-month-old baby, and seeing eight suspects arrested. In South Asia IJM had another successful rescue operation at a construction site. Officials filed all the necessary police reports within 24 hours - a huge moment of progress demonstrating their knowledge and political will. IJM were also blessed to see the survivors get their release certificates and other entitlements quickly so that they could return home swiftly. Pray for their ongoing recovery back at home, especially in the disorienting first few weeks of freedom.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 July 2020 21:36

Answered prayer for USA

Two weeks ago we joined with American intercessors to pray for a tsunami of prayer to gain momentum and bring positive change in the USA (1 Samuel 2:1). This week we praise God for Holy Spirit changes taking place. For an encouraging video, go to. On it you will see a number of Christian groups holding revival services at the site where George Floyd died in Minneapolis. They are seeing many people turn to God, and miracles are happening in a revival that is reportedly spreading to other USA cities. Could this be an early indication of the promised Great Awakening that we are praying for?

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 18 June 2020 21:53

‘Just practising my faith’

An old video has appeared on social media of Premier League football star Angel Gomes being prayed for to be healed of pain from football-related injuries four years ago. When Gomes was 16 and captain of the England national under-17 team, he visited TB Joshua's Synagogue Church of All Nations for a service. The video shows a controversial prophet praying for healing which resulted in Gomes jogging, shaking his legs and squatting showing he was healed of pain. This week Gomes received questions about the 2016 video and replied saying he was from a Christian family and was going through some pain issues. ‘From the outside looking in it looks crazy, but I was just practising my faith.’ He added that he didn't really need to explain himself but a lot of people were asking him what the video was about, I was just practising my faith’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 06 February 2020 22:51

God healed her heart before surgery

17 years ago Lisa had surgery for defective activity in her heart. But recently her condition returned and she needed surgery once again. Two good specialists saw that she had grown bad electrical pathways. Before going on a mission trip she asked for prayer and Paula Davis prayed for her. Paula, who had no knowledge of Lisa’s heart condition, started praying about the mission trip, then shifted her focus abruptly. ‘Do you have a problem with the electrical part of your heart?’ she asked. ‘I do, as a matter of fact’, Paula said, ‘I saw Jesus rewiring your whole heart’. When Lisa returned from mission she went for surgery. Afterwards, the surgeon in charge of the procedure said her heart was one of the healthiest he had ever seen and declared, ‘I didn’t have to do anything!’ Lisa asked, ‘Did Jesus heal me?’ ‘Yes’, he replied.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 01 November 2019 00:35

Engulfed in fireball, prayer aids recovery

Fred’s body was engulfed in a flame in a tragic accident. He rolled on the ground, but there was extensive damage to his arms and legs. He was airlifted to a burn centre in a critical condition. Julie, his wife, prayed. ‘I knew God was there: I just prayed the whole time that he’d be okay.’ Doctors were amazed that Fred’s lungs and airways were undamaged by the fireball. After only two days in ICU, his circulation was remarkably better - but then infection set in and his condition deteriorated. Julie redoubled her prayers, requesting intercession from family and church. They also prayed with him before his surgery. Doctors said he might be unable to work for six months. But God heard their prayers! Ten days after his last skin graft, Fred was released from hospital, and returned to work a month later.

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