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Displaying items by tag: slaves freed

Rejoice that during lockdown IJM Philippines has assisted local police on 16 online sexual exploitation rescue operations, bringing to safety 57 children and vulnerable adults, including a three-month-old baby, and seeing eight suspects arrested. In South Asia IJM had another successful rescue operation at a construction site. Officials filed all the necessary police reports within 24 hours - a huge moment of progress demonstrating their knowledge and political will. IJM were also blessed to see the survivors get their release certificates and other entitlements quickly so that they could return home swiftly. Pray for their ongoing recovery back at home, especially in the disorienting first few weeks of freedom.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 25 January 2019 09:57

Slaves rescued from factory

Recently IJM supported local officials and NGO partners in rescuing two men and nineteen boys from bonded-labour slavery at a factory near Chennai. They had been trapped there since June 2018, making fried Pani Puri snacks popular in north India. These impoverished villagers were recruited with loans of as little as £108, which they were meant to pay off with their labour. Instead, the factory owner charged them impossible interest rates and controlled their every movement so that could never repay the debt. He verbally abused them and beat them viciously if they slowed down during the 18-hour working day - ensuring they were always afraid of him. On 12 January they were successfully rescued. Although the factory owner absconded, a second accused is in custody and has been charged under India’s anti-slavery and child labour laws.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 30 March 2018 00:46

Rescued from slavery in India

Impoverished families trafficked from central Indian states are forced to make thousands of clay bricks daily in appalling conditions. Victims don’t speak out due to intimidation. Officials can’t ascertain the truth. Fortunately, one 13-year-old boy told officials how he worked nine hours a day. His courage emboldened others. Teenage girls described carrying heavy stacks of bricks on their heads. A single mother shared the agony of not getting medical care for her sick child. Soon the local authorities had enough information to complete a rescue operation and bring the victims to safety. On 23 March, IJM reported, ‘nearly 150 children, women and men were rescued from bonded labour slavery in a single Indian brick kiln. Years ago, local leaders would not admit slavery still existed, let alone help families in need. Today the families are receiving medical care, food, ID cards, police protection and release certificates that break any bonds to former owners.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:42

Slaves released

An email to this office reads, ‘Praise God for 32 survivors rescued from slavery at a brick kiln this week, and please pray for ongoing obstacles in their case. These families were toiling in a brick kiln until International Justice Mission and a partner NGO arrived to rescue them on Wednesday. The families have been brought to safety, but their former owner is exerting his power in the community to influence local government officials, who are now delaying giving the rescued families crucial documents to mark their freedom and protect them long-term. We need God’s intervention to change the hearts of these officials so they do the right thing, seek justice and protect these children, women and men in their first critical days in freedom.’

Published in Praise Reports