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Displaying items by tag: neighbours

Jesse shared her testimony of connecting with her neighbours through prayer amidst cultural challenges. Coming from a Sikh background, she has had to navigate her Christian faith amidst family tensions and generational differences. In 2020, during lockdown, one neighbour struggled as her daughter received end-of-life care abroad. Jesse offered support and prayer, which comforted her neighbour and led her to engage with a church community online. Another neighbour faced the potential loss of her husband. Through Jesse’s offer to pray, she found hope and belief in that difficult time. These acts of compassion opened opportunities for deeper conversations. Her conversion story began at the age of 11. She had a picture of Jesus. She was sitting on His knee and he wrote her name in his book. She said, 'Later, in my early 20s, I had another picture where I was stuck in a very deep well and he reached down and offered me his hand, but I had to choose whether I would. I'm glad I accepted his help - that was a turning point in my life.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 27 May 2021 23:22

Love in God's neighbourhood

In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, as nations entered into the uncertainty of lockdown, we saw an outpouring of neighbourliness. Unable to venture away from our homes, we reached out, perhaps for the first time, to the people who lived around us. This was a beautiful thing. Wonderful stories emerged of people helping each other in a time of need – a poignant demonstration of why community is so vital. Churches responded to local needs by supporting the bereaved and lonely, increasing foodbank provision, and helping out in whatever ways they could. Surely this was a perfect example of what Jesus meant when he told us that the greatest commandment, in addition to loving God, was to love our neighbours.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 14 May 2020 22:31

20% speak to neighbour for first time

The UK public is showing impressive levels of solidarity, humanity, and kindness during the coronavirus crisis, according to a new opinion poll by Amnesty International. The poll shows that huge numbers have helped a stranger, volunteered their time, reconnected with someone they’d previously lost contact with. One in five have spoken to their neighbour for the first time. Also, an estimated 30 million people have taken part in the Thursday ‘Clap for Carers’ initiative.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 24 March 2017 09:17

Friday Focus: pray for five neighbours

Loving your neighbour begins with sacrificing time to pray for them. Bringing five neighbours before God regularly, praying for them to become Christians, will lead to people getting to know Jesus for themselves. Neighbourhood Prayer Network can testify that this has already happened on a number of streets across the UK. Will you join many others praying for their neighbours?

(Rebekah Brettle, Neighbourhood Prayer Network)

Published in British Isles