Friday Focus: pray for five neighbours

Written by David Fletcher 24 Mar 2017
Friday Focus: pray for five neighbours

Loving your neighbour begins with sacrificing time to pray for them. Bringing five neighbours before God regularly, praying for them to become Christians, will lead to people getting to know Jesus for themselves. Neighbourhood Prayer Network can testify that this has already happened on a number of streets across the UK. Will you join many others praying for their neighbours?

(Rebekah Brettle, Neighbourhood Prayer Network)

Additional Info

  • Pray: Father, we pray for (five names of neighbours), to have a life-transforming encounter with You and to come to know You personally. Present opportunities for us to get to know our neighbours and to help them in times of need. Help us to live sacrificial lives, filled with love that will point people towards You. Amen. (Mt. 22:39)