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Displaying items by tag: Friday Focus

Thursday, 21 December 2017 15:09

Friday Focus: reaching out at Christmas

So it is only three days to go until the big day! It can be so easy to be caught up in the frenetic activity, getting everything ready for those we know, that we can often forget those for whom the Christmas season is difficult. Take a moment to ask God to bring someone to mind for whom that is true.

(Jane Holloway, World Prayer Centre)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 December 2017 12:02

Friday Focus: Christmas outreach

In a world of instant results, it’s good to remind ourselves that the journey of faith is a long one for most people. Let’s make a decision today that, ‘short time or long’, we will use all the opportunities that Christmas brings to care, invite and pray for those we know to come to know Jesus.

(Mark Greenwood, National Evangelist for Elim Churches, HOPE Leadership Team)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:46

Friday Focus: Christmas HOPE

When the shepherds had seen the new-born Jesus, they spread the word and amazed everyone who heard their story. This month churches will be distributing the Christmas HOPE magazine door-to-door in villages, towns and cities, spreading the Jesus story and inviting people to church. How will you and your church be reaching out to people in your community this month?

(Catherine Butcher, Hope for Every Home)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 01 December 2017 10:30

Friday Focus: hope for enquirers

Peter challenges us to ‘be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks’. Sometimes the questions are not easy. The Christian Enquiry Agency is here to help. Our website (www.Christianity.org.uk) gives enquirers individual answers to their questions about Christianity, a Gospel of Luke if they request one, details of a local church, or prayer for any issue.

(Peter Graystone, Christian Enquiry Agency)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 24 November 2017 14:19

Friday Focus: Carol services in stadiums

In recent years, Sports Chaplaincy UK has been encouraging its Chaplains to host stadium carol services at Christmas. Sports stadiums have been described as secular cathedrals as many people go there at weekends. At Christmas we remember God moving into our neighbourhood. How might you, or your church, pray for and support one of these carol services to celebrate this amazing fact? Warren Evans, Chief Executive of Sports Chaplaincy UK

Published in British Isles

Power is a vital tool in mobilising the Church. Jesus demonstrated ‘power through weakness’. Yet the Kingdom, power and the glory are his. God made us joint heirs with Christ. Love so amazing, he left his Holy Spirit for the tasks ahead. We have hope and are assured to do greater works than Jesus, so that God will be glorified.

(Danielle Fetuga-Joensuu, Prison Hope)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 10 November 2017 11:25

Friday Focus: Remembrance Day

11 November will be the 99th anniversary of the ending of WW1. We remember all those who gave their lives not only in two world wars but also in the many conflicts since. Should we not also pray for those who still serve our country today in the armed forces and for those veterans whose lives bear the scars of their service?

(Val Hall, Armed Forces Christian Union)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 03 November 2017 11:58

Friday Focus: joyful invitation

When Jesus sends out the 72 he tells them the truth that as they go to invite people to hear about the kingdom of God, they will be either welcomed or rejected: if the latter, they are to wipe the dust from their feet. Do we miss the joy of inviting people to take a closer look at Jesus because we fear rejection?

(Michael Harvey, National Weekend of Invitation)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 October 2017 11:14

Friday Focus: hunger for God’s word

Isaiah 55:1: this ancient invitation to God’s people to feast on God’s word and His promises at a time of national despair, continues to echo even today as we frantically consume perishable goods in vain. Let us be bold to draw people to the life-giving nourishment of the Scriptures, so that the deeper longings and thirst for life can be fully satisfied.

(Oldi Morava, Bible Society)

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 October 2017 11:18

Friday Focus: hope for ex-offenders

Isn’t it a wonderful truth that through Jesus we can be released from our past, make a new start and enter into relationship with the living God? Ex-offenders know how past actions have affected their freedom and future. We pray for their successful re-entry into society. With God’s help this can be a true and lasting change.

(Michael Pollard, Prison HOPE)

Published in British Isles
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