Friday Focus: Christmas HOPE

Written by David Fletcher 08 Dec 2017
Friday Focus: Christmas HOPE

When the shepherds had seen the new-born Jesus, they spread the word and amazed everyone who heard their story. This month churches will be distributing the Christmas HOPE magazine door-to-door in villages, towns and cities, spreading the Jesus story and inviting people to church. How will you and your church be reaching out to people in your community this month?

(Catherine Butcher, Hope for Every Home)

Additional Info

  • Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus to make it possible for us to know You. We pray for churches during this busy Advent season, that we will take the many opportunities Christmas gives, to talk about Jesus, to invite people to Christmas events and to testify to the hope Jesus gives each of us when we trust him. (Luke 2:16-18)