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Displaying items by tag: missionaries

Thursday, 14 March 2024 22:36

African prisoners transformed by Gospel message

In a notorious African prison, 166 death-row inmates existed in a state of despair; but a team of missionaries and medical professionals were undeterred, ready to offer both healthcare and the gospel. Believing in the transformative power of faith, they planned to preach and provide individual counselling during medical checks. They were driven by a conviction that even these forsaken souls deserved to hear the message of hope. As the Gospel was shared, hardened faces softened with tears, signalling an emotional and spiritual awakening among the inmates. This moment marked a shift from hopelessness to a glimmer of hope and understanding. The medical consultations became opportunities for inmates to personally embrace faith, with many choosing to commit to a new spiritual path. The next day, the prison warden observed a profound change. Inmates were deeply engaged in reading the Bible and discussing its teachings, transforming the prison's atmosphere to one of joy and community.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 10 August 2023 20:02

Burkina Faso: terrorists and mission

Shopkeepers near the Togolese border were returning from a day at the market when terrorists attacked, killing more than twenty people. It is a disturbing trend. Terrorists have killed more than 5,000 people so far this year. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press (WMP) says local ministries are being cautious. ‘As far as we know and from everything I’ve heard, the ministry work continues. It may have restrictions and be a little bit more difficult, but the work goes on. WMP recently sent Scripture booklets to a ministry that goes into villages. I don’t know if that’s been restricted – going into different places. But we sent them a shipment of material in French and had reports and photos from them going home-to-home, having open-air campaigns and planting churches in one particular village. Eight million people who speak the Moore language they have just received their first shipment of that language. They are overjoyed.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 27 April 2023 22:14

Missionaries stay in Sudan

‘We are concerned by the ongoing conflict in Sudan and the effect this is having on the population’, commented Stephanie Draper, CEO of Bond, which represents 400 global bodies fighting poverty. ‘Some humanitarian workers are sheltering and will attempt to resume their work when it is safe to do so. We urge the UK government to deploy all the humanitarian and diplomatic levers at their disposal to support those in need when it is safe to do so.’ Caroline Duffield, a former international radio correspondent in Africa, said, ‘The decision on whether to stay or go is a matter for prayer and also for hope. It's just looking very, very difficult. People we've been in contact with ask us to pray that Christians remain hopeful and not give up on the possibility of a peaceful future for Sudan.’ Pray for God to give the Christians in Sudan strength, endurance and protection.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 17 February 2022 21:26

Message from Help the Persecuted

A missionary’s message: ‘There is much happening right now. Persecution and hardships abound, yet our Mighty Lord reigns over it all! One member of our team and his young family have been receiving threatening messages due to their ministry work, and we have had to relocate them to a new city. Pray with us that they will remain safe and be able to continue their work for the Lord. Another team member was arrested crossing a border between Jordan and Lebanon. Pray with us for favour before the judge and for a quick resolution to the false charges. Despite these hardships, our team has also reported many praises of how God has been at work. A sewing workshop will take place this week to train persecuted women, providing skills to help sustain them and their families. We praise God for this opportunity to serve these women and offer training, hope and a way forward with dignity.’

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 17 February 2022 21:21

Myanmar: military accused of war crimes

Myanmar’s military has murdered civilians and used them as human shields. Soldiers have attacked homes, refugee camps, and even churches in Karenni State. The actions may amount to war crimes. The group Fortify Rights says the military has committed these crimes with internationally supplied weapons. They urged the UN security council to impose a global arms embargo on Myanmar. It has been just over a year since the military seized power from elected officials. Civilians are learning how to fight back. They are being more strategic and using more guerrilla warfare tactics. A defector from the military, who fled with his family to India last year, reported heavy military casualties while fighting civilian rebels in the Chin state. Leaked documents describe soldiers being attacked by as many as a thousand rebels at a time. Pray for Myanmar’s fighting to give way to peace and justice.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 25 November 2021 20:50

Nepal: missionaries’ prayer request

Villagers shamed the family of a girl who took her own life, especially as her mother was a Christian. Local missionaries and other church members were the only ones who came to comfort them, making a deep impression on the mother’s unbelieving son; their love and care opened his heart to the gospel, giving workers a chance to share with him more deeply and lead him to Christ. Local missionaries saw 118 people put their faith in Christ over a six-month period, and they helped train 45 pastors and others for church leadership. Workers need donations for the means to carry out such evangelism and discipleship. They request prayer for provision to fulfill their outreach goal.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 April 2021 21:29

Nigeria: Christian missionaries kidnapped

Eight Christians have been abducted while on their way to evangelise in Kaduna state. The group of members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God were travelling towards the town of Kafanchan when gunmen intercepted the bus, according to International Christian Concern and the Nigerian Tribune. Eje Kenny Faraday, a witness, posted a picture on Facebook showing the empty bus saying, ‘All passengers in the bus are just kidnapped along Kachia Road, Km 63 from Kaduna.’ The kidnappers have demanded the equivalent of £88,000 for their release. A search for the members has been launched by security agencies including the police and the military.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 April 2020 22:10

Missionaries are special

Missionary workers are a special kind of people: restless, visionary, with a touch of adventure and a rock-solid belief that the message of the Gospel deserves to be heard by everyone. The impact of the pandemic will be enormous in the predominantly poor areas where missionaries work and where social abstinence is not an option. They are used to badly stocked stores and substandard medical care, and accept situations as they occur. They give us hope and confidence that a transition in challenging times is possible. To read their encouraging stories, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 19 December 2019 23:47

A zealous Muslim finds a path to Christ

Hassan, a fervent Muslim in an African country, was fanatical about converting Christians to Islam. He accepted a missionary organisation’s offer to help translate the Bible into the Ndam language. After all, many Christian scriptures are deemed holy books in the Koran. In a secular country where tolerance marked relations between Muslims and Christians, he welcomed the opportunity to discuss Scripture with prospective converts to Islam, but he was constantly exposed to Scriptures at translation workshops, and ended up accepting Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Now he is growing through discipleship and constantly interceding for the salvation of his community.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 August 2019 17:25

Pakistan: Prayer Update

Pray for something so big and dramatic to happen in Pakistan that can only be explained by it being the work of God.

Missionary Visas

Missionaries are still being thrown out of the country, even some that have visas are losing them.  Pray this situation will be resolved.   Muslim leaders from Pakistan have no trouble getting permission to come to the USA.

Tribal Praise Report

Two visiting Korean doctors were on a medical outreach to a tribal area.  As the doctors were overwhelmed, the people began coming to the church workers saying, "We know your God heals. Will you pray for us?"  It became a tremendous time of ministry as they were able to tell them that it is the power of Jesus working when they are healed.  Many openly said, " We are so worried about our physical health and our spiritual needs. Now we know that Jesus can take care of both, we can come to Him."

Meeting between Pakistan and the USA

Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, is to visit the USA July 16 - 18.  He will meet with President Trump on the 17th.  Pray for good meetings with President Trump who has made some pretty strong statements against Pakistan since he came into office.  Some were justified particularly with the former Government, and covert, tactical support of some terrorist groups, but this all has taken a terrible toll on the people of Pakistan.

On 9/11 almost 3000 persons were killed. About 6000 US troops have been killed in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has lost 35,000 military between 2001 and 2011, and 40,000 are missing in action.  Civilian casualties started at 30,000 and is climbing rapidly to three or four times that.  The war on terrorism in Pakistan still continues.  The fallout on the economy in Pakistan has been drastic.  For example, a huge number of Pakistani refugees are being moved from one place to another and there is the care of over 400,000 Afghan refugees living in Pakistan that the government has had to care for, with the assistance of International Aid groups.

There are some who have gained from this war, but Pakistan has paid a terrible price.

God is the author of peace.  This will come as we intercessors PRAY.


More at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k4lurlki5dfQV7Aju1vbqvWiD4CaHva-/view?usp=sharing

Pray: Russian and China and now the US are beginning to understand that peace in Afghanistan cannot come without the help of Pakistan.

Pray: May the right decisions be made.  It is not wrong, from the Taliban perspective, for the Taliban to lie to gain an upper hand.  May Pres. Trump have good advisors.

Pray: PM Imran Khan is working hard to bring peace within his own country.

Pray: Pres. Trump also wants to see a lasting peace in this part of the world.

Pray: Pray for Christians who are suffering the most from this.

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