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Displaying items by tag: gospel message

Thursday, 14 March 2024 22:36

African prisoners transformed by Gospel message

In a notorious African prison, 166 death-row inmates existed in a state of despair; but a team of missionaries and medical professionals were undeterred, ready to offer both healthcare and the gospel. Believing in the transformative power of faith, they planned to preach and provide individual counselling during medical checks. They were driven by a conviction that even these forsaken souls deserved to hear the message of hope. As the Gospel was shared, hardened faces softened with tears, signalling an emotional and spiritual awakening among the inmates. This moment marked a shift from hopelessness to a glimmer of hope and understanding. The medical consultations became opportunities for inmates to personally embrace faith, with many choosing to commit to a new spiritual path. The next day, the prison warden observed a profound change. Inmates were deeply engaged in reading the Bible and discussing its teachings, transforming the prison's atmosphere to one of joy and community.

Published in Praise Reports