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Displaying items by tag: stay in Sudan

Thursday, 27 April 2023 22:14

Missionaries stay in Sudan

‘We are concerned by the ongoing conflict in Sudan and the effect this is having on the population’, commented Stephanie Draper, CEO of Bond, which represents 400 global bodies fighting poverty. ‘Some humanitarian workers are sheltering and will attempt to resume their work when it is safe to do so. We urge the UK government to deploy all the humanitarian and diplomatic levers at their disposal to support those in need when it is safe to do so.’ Caroline Duffield, a former international radio correspondent in Africa, said, ‘The decision on whether to stay or go is a matter for prayer and also for hope. It's just looking very, very difficult. People we've been in contact with ask us to pray that Christians remain hopeful and not give up on the possibility of a peaceful future for Sudan.’ Pray for God to give the Christians in Sudan strength, endurance and protection.

Published in British Isles