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Displaying items by tag: global prayer

Thursday, 02 November 2023 22:52

Millions praying for the Hindu world around Diwali

The ‘18 Days of prayer for the Hindu world’ initiative has been launched, aiming to unite Jesus followers worldwide in prayer for Hindus from 29 October to 15 November. With an online daily prayer guide available in over thirty languages, the expectation is that millions of people will participate. It features real-life stories illustrating the Holy Spirit's work among Hindus, including healings and breakthroughs in unreached communities. Teams of Jesus followers will conduct prayer walks in cities leading up to the Diwali festival, and readers are invited to pray for these teams using the provided briefings and prayer points. A dedicated prayer guide for young people aged 6-12 is also available. On 12 November, a global day of 24-hour prayer for the Hindu world will bring together believers from various churches and Christian ministries worldwide for online prayer sessions covering key Hindu world cities and regions.

Published in Praise Reports

Be encouraged as you listen to John D Robb, Chairman of International Prayer Connect being interviewed by Daniel Lim, CEO of iHOP about how the Lord has led him in his service to the Prayer Movement around the world in recent decades.  John shares some of the breakthroughs.

More at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k4lurlki5dfQV7Aju1vbqvWiD4CaHva-/view?usp=sharing

Published in Prayer Guides
Tuesday, 21 November 2017 15:23

Global Prayer Update

One of the great joys and responsibilities we have at the World Prayer Centre is to pray for a different nation each day. As with everyone involved in any way with the nations, be it political, social and missional or through prayer, the needs, challenges, emergencies, traumas and opportunities are at times overwhelming.

How do we pray, how do we give, how do we support, how do we encourage our global neighbours as well as our local neighbours? In all the pressures of daily life, how do we care for our global Christian family, our local Christian family, and our immediate family?

Christ Jesus, the Son of God, our Saviour, had everything in perfect balance. He knew His mission was for the world His Father loved, for the nation in which He lived and for twelve men He was disciplining. He ministered, prayed and worked with great love, compassion and truth with all He met wherever He met them.

As you read this article, your world is changing around you. As I write this article, suddenly Zimbabwe is in the headlines. Yesterday it was an earthquake in Iran/Iraq. Last week the leaders of Saudi Arabia were announcing great changes in the nation. Who knows by the time you read this, what else will be happening, what else God will be shaking, what other dramatic news will be hitting the headlines. And that is the point of this article. You have this magazine because you are a watchman or God may be calling you to be a watchman.

The Scriptures teach us to ‘watch and pray’. So not only are we looking, listening, observing all that is happening in the world, but also watching to see all that God is doing in His world.

We know that generally the media only reports on the failings of nations, governments, those in positions of responsibility and individuals. As Christians we note those things, we do not condemn but we pray. At the same time we recognise that as we are seated in heavenly places in Christ, we not only see what the media see but we see how the Kingdom of God is growing around the world. Day after day, sometimes in the midst of great persecution and need, thousands of men and women, boys and girls are becoming followers of Jesus. Of His Kingdom there is no end.

Thousands of young people and children are involved in prayer and mission in their nations. Churches are being planted at an unprecedented scale. Many across the Middle East are physically seeing Jesus and becoming Evangelists and Pastors. Many prayer houses are springing up, 24/7 prayer places, prayer in public places that changes the spiritual climate in a community or nation enabling the good news of Jesus and His saving work to be experienced.

Please don’t fall into the trap that there is so much going on we don’t know where to start. As you hear the news today, watch and pray. Let’s encourage one another to stay alert as we go through the day. Let us look for the stories of where God is at work and rejoice and let us understand that as we stand on God and the promises of His word, our prayers prayed in the name of Jesus change situations, remove obstacles, bring down walls in families, communities and nations.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.

Ian Cole is the founder and visionary of the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham.


Published in WPC World News
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:06

Finishing The Task Conference 5-7 Dec 2017 (CA)

December 5-7, 2017
Saddleback Church
Lake Forest, CA

Finishing The Task is an association of mission agencies and churches who want to see reproducing churches planted among every people groups in the world.  Does this passion also burn in your heart? Then we invite you to join us this year at the 2017 Finishing The Task Conference!

"I attended my first Finishing The Task conference in December [2016]...[the speakers] inspired me to get more involved and be more intentional with the task of the Great Commission"
— Kent Kiefer, CEO of Scriptures In Use

Who Should Attend?

If you identify with one or more of the following categories, this conference is for you!

  • Sending Organization/Church
  • You want to send (or help send) gospel workers to plant multiplying churches among Unengaged, Unreached People Groups (UUPGs).
  • Resource Provider
  • You indirectly engage UUPGs by gathering resources (i.e., finances, training, or media tools).
  • Mission Mobilizer
  • You promote the engagement of UUPGs by increasing awareness, vision-casting, and connecting potential gospel workers and resources with engagement opportunities.
  • Prayer/Prayer Leader or Mobilizer
  • You promote the engagement of UUPGs through prayer in building a platform of prayer, awareness building, vision casting and connecting prayer as a foundational aspect and resource with opportunities among UUPGs

This is a hands-on conference where you will interact with others to discover where the Lord is leading you!

More info and sign up: http://finishingthetask.org/

Who Are the Keynote Presenters?

Paul Eshleman — Director, Finishing the Task
Paul Eshleman is Vice President of Networks and Partnerships for Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ International). Paul founded the JESUS Film Project and served as its Director for 25 years. He led the nationwide “I Found it Campaign”, EXPLO 72, and recently headed the Strategy Working Committee for the Lausanne Movement. Paul currently serves as the Executive Director of the Finishing the Task Network and President of the Issachar Initiative. He and his wife Kathy have two adult children and live in Orange County, CA.

Rick Warren — Pastor, Saddleback Church
Pastor Rick Warren founded Saddleback Valley Community Church with his wife Kay more than 30 years ago. Today, the church, located in Lake Forest, Calif., is one of the 10 largest and most influential churches in America. Recognizing his far-reaching influence, Pastor Warren developed The PEACE Plan to partner with churches, businesses and NGOs to Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick and Educate the next generation. Pastor Warren is also the author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” the bestselling non-fiction hardback in publishing history.

Louie Giglio — Pastor, Passion City Church
Louie Giglio is Pastor of Passion City Church and the Founder of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus.

Since 1997, Passion has gathered collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the world. Most recently, Passion 2017 gathered more than 55,000 students in Atlanta’s Georgia Dome in one of the largest collegiate gatherings in its history.

In addition to the collegiate gatherings of Passion Conferences, Louie and his wife Shelley lead the teams at Passion City Church, sixstepsrecords and the Passion Global Institute. Louie is the author of The Comeback, The Air I Breathe, I Am Not But I Know I Am, and Goliath Must Fall, releasing May 2017.

Nik Ripken — Global Missioligist, IMB and Author, "The Insanity of God"
Dr. Nik and his wife, Ruth, are mission veterans for over 32 years with the International Mission Board, having served in Malawi, Transkei, South Africa, Kenya, Somalia, Germany, Ethiopia, and the Middle East.

Nik has a B.A. in Religion and History, along with a Masters and Doctorate in Ministry and both he and Ruth currently serve as Global Missiologists. Dr. Ripken is the author of many articles on missions and, along with Ruth, has done extensive research among the persecuted in approximately 70 countries. He is the author of "The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected" and "The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places". In cooperation with B&H Publishing, a curriculum based upon both books was developed in 2016 and a documentary based on "The Insanity of God" was released nationwide in 2016.