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Displaying items by tag: Diwali

Thursday, 02 November 2023 22:52

Millions praying for the Hindu world around Diwali

The ‘18 Days of prayer for the Hindu world’ initiative has been launched, aiming to unite Jesus followers worldwide in prayer for Hindus from 29 October to 15 November. With an online daily prayer guide available in over thirty languages, the expectation is that millions of people will participate. It features real-life stories illustrating the Holy Spirit's work among Hindus, including healings and breakthroughs in unreached communities. Teams of Jesus followers will conduct prayer walks in cities leading up to the Diwali festival, and readers are invited to pray for these teams using the provided briefings and prayer points. A dedicated prayer guide for young people aged 6-12 is also available. On 12 November, a global day of 24-hour prayer for the Hindu world will bring together believers from various churches and Christian ministries worldwide for online prayer sessions covering key Hindu world cities and regions.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 04 November 2021 21:32

India: Diwali - pray for Hindus

With over one billion people, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The majority of Hindus have never heard the name of Jesus, and less than 2% of Protestant missionaries are serving among them. Centred mostly in India, Hinduism is much more than a religion; it is a way of life and a cultural identity. Acts of violence and intimidation by militant Hindus are on the rise, particularly against Christians. The five-day festival of Diwali, also called Festival of Lights, began on 4 November. Diwali can often also be celebrated by Jains, Sikhs and some Newar Buddhists. Few Indian festivals are as popular or anticipated, or as widely celebrated worldwide as Diwali. Diwali symbolises a spiritual ‘victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance’. Despite the candles and fireworks, these millions of people remain in darkness.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 November 2020 20:49

India: pray for Hindus

With over one billion people, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The majority of them have never heard the name of Jesus, and fewer than 2% of Protestant missionaries are serving among them. In India, Hinduism is much more than a religion; it is a way of life and a cultural identity. Acts of violence and intimidation by militant Hindus are on the rise, particularly against Christians. The barriers to the Gospel are many. But prayer opens doors. Join Christians around the world in prayer for Hindus from8 to 22 November. During this time, Hindus will be celebrating one of their most important holidays, the Festival of Lights (Diwali). Despite the candles and fireworks, these millions remain in darkness, separated from the only true source of light - Jesus Christ. Together let us watch and pray.

Published in Worldwide

Join us November 8th to 22nd 2020 in 15 days of prayer for Hindus all over the world!

The 2020 Hindu Prayer Guide - November 8th – 22nd 2020

The annual Hindu World Prayer Focus is calling Christians and churches worldwide to take 15 days to learn about and pray for our world’s over one billion Hindu friends.

That period also encompasses the significant Hindu Festival of Light (Diwali). The informative prayer guide booklets will help Christians to know how to pray for the people(s) growing up within this major and very diverse world religion.

Diwali (or Deepawali) is known as the Festival of Lights, and is one of the most important annual celebrations for Hindus, lasting about 4-5 days. While (similar to Christmas celebrations in the Christian world) it has historical and religious roots, Hindus celebrate it by lighting and displaying rows of small oil lamps, participating in family gatherings, consuming special sweets and watching fireworks.

It is not our intention with this prayer focus to disparage India or the Hindu religion in any way. We recognize that both are far too complex and too full of great traditions to simply or easily condense, explain or take lightly within a mere booklet.

At the same time, as Christians, we long that all the world’s people(s) will have an opportunity to freely see, hear and understand the grace of God incarnated in Jesus Christ.

To this end we inform ourselves, pray for and want to support opportunities to make that grace known also within the world’s Indian and Hindu communities. Get your copy of the 15 Days Hindu Prayer Guide now and join with us!

15 days  |  32 pages  |  1,000,000,000 Hindus worldwide

Download the Guide HERE: https://pray15days.org/

Friday, 13 October 2017 10:00

Global: pray for Hindus 8-22 October

Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The majority of Hindus have never heard the name of Jesus, and less than 2% of Protestant missionaries are serving among them. Centred mostly in India, Hinduism is much more than a religion; it is a way of life, a cultural identity. Acts of violence and intimidation by militant Hindus against other religions are on the rise, particularly against Christians. Barriers to the Gospel are many. But prayer opens doors! Join Christians around the world praying for Hindus between 8 and 22 October . During this time, Hindus celebrate one of their most important holidays, the Festival of Lights (Diwali). Despite candles and fireworks, millions remain separated from the only true source of light - Jesus Christ. Hindus are coming to Christ. In one instance an entire village turned to Christ after hearing God’s Word preached in their language!

Published in Worldwide

The NEW annual Hindu World Prayer Focus calls Christians and churches worldwide to take 15 days October 8-22 to learn about and pray for our world’s over one billion Hindu friends. That period also encompasses the significant Hindu Festival of Light (Diwali). The informative prayer guide booklets will help Christians to know how to pray for the people(s) growing up within this major and very diverse world religion.

Diwali (or Deepawali) is known as the Festival of Lights, and is one of the most important annual celebrations for Hindus, lasting about 4-5 days. While (similar to Christmas celebrations in the Christian world) it has historical and religious roots, Hindus celebrate it by lighting and displaying rows of small oil lamps, participating in family gatherings, consuming special sweets and watching fireworks.

It is not our intention with this prayer focus to disparage India or the Hindu religion in any way. We recognize that both are far too complex and too full of great traditions to simply or easily condense, explain or take lightly within a mere booklet.

At the same time, as Christians, we long that all the world’s people(s) will have an opportunity to freely see, hear and understand the grace of God incarnated in Jesus Christ. To this end, we inform ourselves, pray for and want to support opportunities to make that grace known also within the world’s Indian and Hindu communities.

Won’t you join us? For more information and a short introductory video www.pray15days.org Already in a growing number of languages/nations, if you don’t see yours, why not offer to translate and/or distribute in yours? Email+ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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