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Displaying items by tag: Finishing the Task

Friday, 29 November 2019 12:16

IPC Calendar

Finishing the Task Conference 3-5 December 2019


Sunrise Prayer Relay 1st Jan 2020


40 Days of Prayer for 2020 – Preparing Hearts


5 Days of Prayer for the Khawlan People of Saudi Arabia and Yemen – 14th-18th Feb 2020


Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020


Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


11bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

Friday, 01 November 2019 07:15

IPC Calendar

Hindu World 15 Days of Prayer - 20 Oct - 3 Nov 2019


Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church – Sun 3 Nov 2019


WEA General Assembly 2019 - 7-12 Nov 2019 - Jakarta


The Balkan Call - Nov 7-9, 2019 - Thessaloniki, Greece


Welcoming the King of Glory into Florida – 8-10 Nov 2019

Finishing the Task Conference 3-5 December 2019


Sunrise Prayer Relay 1st Jan 2020


Seek God for the City Feb 26–Apr 5, 2020


Go 2020 – Reaching 1 Billion for Christ - May 2020


One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020


13bUPRising Events Calendar

UPRising Magpet - November 8-9, 2019 - North Cotabato, Philippines

UPRising Mexico - November 7-10, 2019 - Juarez, Mexico

UPRising Australia - July 14-18, 2020 - Sydney, Australia

UPRising New England - November 19-21, 2020 - New England, USA

600 or so mission leaders and others will gather to focus on the remaining 1347 unengaged unreached peoples that need to be adopted for prayer and mission.

Pray: for the organizers, especially Paul Eshleman who is battling some illness and is one of the main speakers.

Pray: that a new close convergence between the prayer and mission movements will happen and that all these UPGs will be adopted and reached even by 2025.

For more details, see http://www.finishingthetask.com

Finishing the Task, Mission Viejo, California, Dec. 5-7
Wednesday, 01 November 2017 06:06

Finishing The Task Conference 5-7 Dec 2017 (CA)

December 5-7, 2017
Saddleback Church
Lake Forest, CA

Finishing The Task is an association of mission agencies and churches who want to see reproducing churches planted among every people groups in the world.  Does this passion also burn in your heart? Then we invite you to join us this year at the 2017 Finishing The Task Conference!

"I attended my first Finishing The Task conference in December [2016]...[the speakers] inspired me to get more involved and be more intentional with the task of the Great Commission"
— Kent Kiefer, CEO of Scriptures In Use

Who Should Attend?

If you identify with one or more of the following categories, this conference is for you!

  • Sending Organization/Church
  • You want to send (or help send) gospel workers to plant multiplying churches among Unengaged, Unreached People Groups (UUPGs).
  • Resource Provider
  • You indirectly engage UUPGs by gathering resources (i.e., finances, training, or media tools).
  • Mission Mobilizer
  • You promote the engagement of UUPGs by increasing awareness, vision-casting, and connecting potential gospel workers and resources with engagement opportunities.
  • Prayer/Prayer Leader or Mobilizer
  • You promote the engagement of UUPGs through prayer in building a platform of prayer, awareness building, vision casting and connecting prayer as a foundational aspect and resource with opportunities among UUPGs

This is a hands-on conference where you will interact with others to discover where the Lord is leading you!

More info and sign up: http://finishingthetask.org/

Who Are the Keynote Presenters?

Paul Eshleman — Director, Finishing the Task
Paul Eshleman is Vice President of Networks and Partnerships for Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ International). Paul founded the JESUS Film Project and served as its Director for 25 years. He led the nationwide “I Found it Campaign”, EXPLO 72, and recently headed the Strategy Working Committee for the Lausanne Movement. Paul currently serves as the Executive Director of the Finishing the Task Network and President of the Issachar Initiative. He and his wife Kathy have two adult children and live in Orange County, CA.

Rick Warren — Pastor, Saddleback Church
Pastor Rick Warren founded Saddleback Valley Community Church with his wife Kay more than 30 years ago. Today, the church, located in Lake Forest, Calif., is one of the 10 largest and most influential churches in America. Recognizing his far-reaching influence, Pastor Warren developed The PEACE Plan to partner with churches, businesses and NGOs to Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick and Educate the next generation. Pastor Warren is also the author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” the bestselling non-fiction hardback in publishing history.

Louie Giglio — Pastor, Passion City Church
Louie Giglio is Pastor of Passion City Church and the Founder of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus.

Since 1997, Passion has gathered collegiate-aged young people in events across the US and around the world. Most recently, Passion 2017 gathered more than 55,000 students in Atlanta’s Georgia Dome in one of the largest collegiate gatherings in its history.

In addition to the collegiate gatherings of Passion Conferences, Louie and his wife Shelley lead the teams at Passion City Church, sixstepsrecords and the Passion Global Institute. Louie is the author of The Comeback, The Air I Breathe, I Am Not But I Know I Am, and Goliath Must Fall, releasing May 2017.

Nik Ripken — Global Missioligist, IMB and Author, "The Insanity of God"
Dr. Nik and his wife, Ruth, are mission veterans for over 32 years with the International Mission Board, having served in Malawi, Transkei, South Africa, Kenya, Somalia, Germany, Ethiopia, and the Middle East.

Nik has a B.A. in Religion and History, along with a Masters and Doctorate in Ministry and both he and Ruth currently serve as Global Missiologists. Dr. Ripken is the author of many articles on missions and, along with Ruth, has done extensive research among the persecuted in approximately 70 countries. He is the author of "The Insanity of God: A True Story of Faith Resurrected" and "The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places". In cooperation with B&H Publishing, a curriculum based upon both books was developed in 2016 and a documentary based on "The Insanity of God" was released nationwide in 2016.

Global Prayer and Missions Leaders from around the world are linking together in unprecedented ways.

There is a great need in this season to see how we can collaborate together in more effective ways. We would like to share this opportunity with you.  

As a part of this conference there will be a Prayer Track

You will be fully engaged and embedded in this influential and impactful network conference (Ephesians 3:20). We will look at how to be more effective and intentional together (Luke 10:2).

Global prayer and missions leaders will be sharing on the value of collaborating together (John 17:20-23). You will hear from top mission leaders as they share current stats, trends and prayer needs of finishing the task (Matthew 24:14).

As we spend the week together we will become familiar with what is still needed to see a shift from NO Scripture, NO Missionary, NO Church, NO Known Believers, to adoption and an intentional strategy toward getting the Gospel where it has not been previously (Revelation 5:9 & 7:9).  

Who Should Attend?

If you identify with one or more of the following categories, this conference is for you!

Sending Organization/Church

You want to send (or help send) gospel workers to plant multiplying churches among Unengaged, Unreached People Groups (UUPGs).

Resource Provider

You indirectly engage UUPGs by gathering resources (i.e., finances, training, or media tools).

Mission Mobilizer

You promote the engagement of UUPGs by increasing awareness, vision-casting, and connecting potential gospel workers and resources with engagement opportunities.

Prayer/Prayer Leader or Mobilizer

You promote the engagement of UUPGs through prayer in building a platform of prayer, awareness building, vision casting and connecting prayer as a foundational aspect and resource with opportunities among UUPGs.

Registration Information:  

Early Registration:  $175/person (ends November 14th)   
Registration:  $200/person   
Note:  Registration cut-off is December 2, 2017

Register and find out more information about travel, lodging, transportation, etc. by visiting:  www.finishingthetask.com

Prayer is about God and His purposes for our world. It is not just a devotional activity or punching the clock to satisfy a sense of religious duty. It is getting in sync with Him for the joy of that most intimate of relationships and out of that prayer partnership to see our personal situation, community, nation, or far-off people groups changed in favor of His kingdom and values. It is the way we transact business with God to see His kingdom manifested in our day-to-day lives, our own neighborhoods, and at the other side of the world where there is pain, suffering or lostness.

Jesus taught that we should pray that His “kingdom come” and “will be done on earth as in Heaven”. He gave staggering promises about the power of prayer to groups of people, always using the plural “you” to underline the importance of united prayer for seeing breakthroughs to transform our communities and world. In Matthew 18:18-20, He affirmed that “whatever” we bind or loose on earth, even just two or three of us, will be bound or loosed in heaven. In this way, whatever we agree about, “anything”, can be affected deeply by such praying. Prayer with others is therefore the most powerful thing we can do as His followers. It is the most important way we become agents of His transformation for our darkened and desperate world because it brings the God of the impossible into situations that are way beyond human solution.

United prayer was the culture of the early church. They “joined constantly together in prayer” (Acts 1:14). All the breakthroughs, from Pentecost on, came out of this culture of prayer agreement as the Spirit led them.  In order for us to see modern-day breakthroughs in reaching the remaining unreached peoples, we also need to start with God in prayer. Missions is a supernatural business, involving His intervention in the calling of the right people to go as missionaries, the binding of principalities and powers that hinder, and the receptivity of the target people to the Gospel. The integral involvement of the Spirit of God all the way through is of paramount importance, and that is why engaging in prayer for His clear guidance, strategy and help is so essential. If we want the same results of the early church that “turned the world upside down” through their mission efforts, we need to connect with the same source of power and wisdom they had.

This year at the Finishing the Task event, for the first time ever there will be a specific track dealing with this issue-- the linking of prayer and mission. We will deliberate together as to how we can achieve a greater convergence between the prayer and mission movements and how an ongoing culture of prayer can become practically integrated in efforts to disciple the remaining unreached peoples for Jesus Christ. Please pray with us for an effective time towards these ends.

Even now, let’s obey Jesus and pray to Him, the Lord of the harvest and the Lord of breakthrough. Enlist others to pray with you. Let’s also be encouraging churches, prayer groups, and especially the younger generation of youth and children, to adopt these peoples for ongoing prayer until they are reached. (Excellent prayer cards for this purpose can be found at https://joshuaproject.net/resources/prayer.)

John Robb
IPC Chairman

Saturday, 01 July 2017 14:41

Finishing The Task!

The Finishing the Task initiative is helping to coordinate the final push to share Christ’s Good News with the last unreached peoples. Would you please consider adopting one of these people groups and beginning to pray for them until they are reached? It will make a huge difference because Jesus told us to “pray the Lord of the harvest that He would send forth laborers” into the harvest.

Please find attached the current focus list of the unengaged, unreached people groups being promoted by the FTT network on the attached website with other helpful information. If you have any questions please contact:

Lara Heneveld
Project Manager
Data and Research Team Lead | Networks and Partnerships

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joshua Project at joshuaproject.net also has much helpful information about adopting an unreached group and offers a good number of prayer profiles for this purpose.